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Reorg Command + Misc

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Been playing CMBO for a few lazy hours and just had some thoughts. These may have been discussed already, but it doesn't hurt to post them again:

1. Will there ever be a reorg or regroup command? If you've got a platoon, say, and all or some of the squads in it have been reduced to just a few men, and you move back out of harms way, then you could amalgamate them together to make a more useful fighting unit. Did this happen in the heat of battle or were squads very independent of each other in combat? It just seems silly to have all these odd men running around, possibly without squad leaders, and not really being able to contribute much on their own. I would have thought that in combat, if the majority of a squad were killed and more importantly, the squad leader, the remaining men would seek out the nearest NCO and join with his squad, assuming they weren't broken.

2. Following on from that, why can't Platoon HQs take over other platoons if their HQ units are eliminated?

3. It's been mentioned before, but a command to gather ammo from dead enemies or friends would be neat.

4. Out of interest why is the TacAI generally such a poor infantry commander? It tends to throw its units in piecemeal without a thought to C&C.

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Thanks, but I already tried those sources briefly(just because I have junior member written beneath my name doesn't make me a complete dumbass :rolleyes::D ). The FAQ didn't seem to have any related topics, although I only glanced at it. A search for the words reorg command yielded 20 separate topics none of which from the titles seem to directly relate to what I was saying, and frankly, I'm too lazy to spend the next hour trawling through every single one. I'm not that excited about my suggestions. I was only wondering if anyone had any additional thoughts or wanted to summarise what has been said already about these topics.

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