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PC versus MAC

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mesk A. Lin:


There should be no problems.<hr></blockquote>

You are absolutely right, there SHOULDN'T be any problems. But...

Not all PC users can open stuffit files. Solution: the Macuser sends his/hers files uncompressed or downloads winzip.

Sometimes textfiles sent to me (I'm on a Mac) becomes corrupt. Not sure why, it could be the mailclients or the servers that screws them up. Solution: the PC user sends them zipped or changes the file encoding in the mailclient to binhex.

There are probably some other problems that Ive never encountered but if you send compressed files there is never any problems. Unless the PC user cant open you files..


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I'm on a PC and I regularly play Mac guys. If you are both on brodband stick to uncompressed files. I've played dozens of games vs. Mac users and have had only one or two corrupt files. If the guy is on a modem you may want to compress the lager files.

I personally like having the files uncompressed b/c i'm on broadband and it's another step in the PBEM exchange that can be a nuisiance when you are trying to get through 7 or 8 concurrent games.

On occasion, I have a similar problem as Graff Spee mentioned (corrupt file). Probably 1 time in 200 and, for me, it doesn't seem to relate to compression issues. (although we could be experiencing completely different issues.)



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

No need. Macs can decode Base64.<hr></blockquote>

That's what I've always thought. But it didn't work for me :-( Until my opponent changed the encoding to binhex. Like I said earlier it could be my email client that messed it up, still using Outlook express :-(


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Graaf Spee:

That's what I've always thought. But it didn't work for me :-( Until my opponent changed the encoding to binhex. Like I said earlier it could be my email client that messed it up, still using Outlook express :-(


It depends upon the mail program you are using. Most of the programs updated in the last three years should be able to handle MIME encoding. For the Mac setting, select AppleDouble.

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