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HQ losses

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Originally posted by Walpurgis Night:

I save 1-3 HQs to fill in for any platoon HQ casulaties I may have, but in a QB on offense, I'm in the habit of using "extra" HQ units as scouts. They often die. My question is: Does the loss of HQs have a more profound effect on the "casualites" element, or "final score", than regular units?

Yes they do, a big effect.

And the tactic you speak of would be considered "gamey"

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Oh come on, it's "gamey" to use a game to simulate WWII silly! Whether it *feels* right on the surface or not, any action taken to victory in this game is "gamey". A good game takes care of loop holes, and this one isn't exactly profound. I only wanted to know if the casualties, or final score were exceptionally effected by the loss of an HQ. Sounds like they are, but V, could you explain in greater detail?

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