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Got a chuckle out of this one...

Two reviews of the same scenario, Rune's "A Battle of Minors". Which review graded the scenario higher?

1. "I was having fun until I got so many reinforcements that it became a chore to keep track of everything. It just got too big for my personal taste and I lost interest due to all the micromanagement of the constant streams of reinforcements. I completed the scenario, but the last few turns I just rushed things."

2. "Loved it! My first game of CMBB and I played against a longimte CMBO human foe. My only beef is that the game crashed on the 25th turn! I was moving my tanks in close to the church, quite confident of the win and blammo - stuck blue bar at the bottom. We tried opening it up as a PBEM but it still crashed. I can only hope it doesn't happen again..."







1. 8.00

2. 7.83

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I'm going to try to explain how my seemingly negative review for a "Battle of Minors" had a higher rating than a review that just gushed about it.

I don't think there is anything wrong with "A Battle of Minors" from a design standpoint- it has a great map, a nice briefing, the force balance seems well tweaked, and it is playable against the AI. Thus, my high scores on all those categories. However, I decided not to truly factor in my opinion of the scenario's fun value into my score. Generally, I compute a scenario's "fun factor" (which to me is more important than "force balance" or "replayability" ratings) into my rating for "Playable against the AI," but here I thought my personal prejudice against large sized battles would give the scenario an unfair score. So I gave it a 7 because the AI can offer a challenge in this scenario. If "fun" was a rating then I would have given "A Battle of Minors" a 5 or 6 in that category.

As for the other reviewer's lower score. That's easy to explain- his review is about a PBEM match yet for some reason he gave the scenario a very low rating as "playable against the AI," which brought down his entire score.

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