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The early model T34 SUCKS!

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meldorian said:

I personally don't believe that CMBB is balanced. The Russians simply suck.
I disagree completely with this statement! In fact, CMBB QB battles are designed to achieve a competitive balance that provides the Russians a level playing field they rarely enjoyed during the early stages of the war. If you think the Russians are overmatched try the following:

1) Utilize the Russian 76mm AT gun. They can devastate early German armor when dispersed and hidden in the tree line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dispatched opposing AFVs only to be have victory snatched away as I approach my objectives by well placed AT guns.

2) Try taking on KV tanks in the open with early German armor! I stumbled onto a KV1 in a clearing at 1000m and was forced to make a mad rush with my platoons of Mark IIIG’s and Czech 38t’s. I lost 6 tanks in the effort before the “green” tank crew abandoned. I never scored a single penetration…only a track hit immobilized it. Nothing makes you feel more inferior than bouncing shells of an opposing tank at point blank range while it methodically picks you to pieces!

-Directive #21

[ November 20, 2002, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: Directive#21 ]

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