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Hey BFC, are you ignoring me? It's not like you have anything to do right now do ya?

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Hey guys, I have a suggestion. Since you want to keep a lot of CMBB secret, and you just don't have time to give us bones as much as we would like, how about reviving CMHQ's Picture of the Day ? You could post a new screen shot every day or so. This way, you wouldn't have to waist any more development time on the game with those awsome (but time consuming) bones you have been throwing us. This would also allow you to keep the rest of the game secret so as to suprise us as well (witch is what you are trying to do anyway, right?) And at the same time, you would be throwing bones anyway by what hidden little extras were in each screen shot for us to discover for ourselves.

Just a suggestion. :cool:

You could also save time by having your beta testers send in the screen shots to you. You then could pick from the best one every day and post it.

[ July 20, 2002, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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