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Company Command Tanks

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I "purchased" two platoons of Panthers, deleted all the tanks in each platoon (except for the Platoon leaders), then bought three more Panther platoons. I edited the leadership ratings for the two company command tanks to 2 and 2. Has anyone else tried this, and if so what were the results in a scenario?

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Originally posted by The Oak:

I "purchased" two platoons of Panthers, deleted all the tanks in each platoon (except for the Platoon leaders), then bought three more Panther platoons. I edited the leadership ratings for the two company command tanks to 2 and 2. Has anyone else tried this, and if so what were the results in a scenario?

This won't do anything. Tank platoon HQ tanks can never command a unit outside of their platoon, infantry or vehicle. Oddly enough, i noticed a Inf Company HQ had command of an SU-76 that had lost its HQ. I didn't think it was possible but I guess that is.
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I was trying so somehow create a company command tank by including an exta tank platoon HQ, although I understand a platoon HQ can't control a tank from another platoon. I wanted to represent the presence of higher or exceptional armor leaders on the battlefield. Rather, I'll buy a single "elite" tank to represent a panzer ace or Hauptmann/Hauptsturmfuhrer.

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