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Turnbull's Fight AAR **Spoilers aplenty**


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Just finished this one, ending up with a somewhat hollow Total Victory against the AI, I'm afraid.

Spoilers follow:

Michaelman plastered the lead units of the column from the position in the buildings, killing off two Platoon HQs in the first couple of turns. Sneaked Turnbull, the two squads, and the zook forward along the road, planning to cover Michaelman's withdrawal and maybe jump some German armor.

I pushed the ATG forward slightly and was rewarded with a long-range kill on the PzIV around Turn 5. The Marder drove on up the road, got buttoned up by the sharpshooter on the hill, and went down to a rifle grenade from one of Turnbull's squads. With the Germans looking like they were in disarray, I went for a Cease Fire.

After the shelling stopped, I pulled Turnbull's group back to sit on the VL and await the reinforcements, hoping the probable followup attack wouldn't hit first. After several turns of no action, I sent the sharpshooter on the hill over to the east to scout for a flanking move, following up with the HMG. The game ended on turn 18 with no further contact.

Problem is, though, the AI threw in the towel with a _full German rifle company_ getting ready to jump off through the brush east of the village. My sharpshooter would've walked right into the middle of the formation in the next turn. With reinforcements coming in and, what, eight turns remaining, my money would've been on the paratroopers, but I would've liked to see what Hauptmann Pfeiffer (nice coincidence there) could've done.

The Germans ended up with 20% casualties and no armor, but I'd have to say the AI rolled over. That's not the Wehrmacht we know and love. Not the fault of the scenario, but a disappointing wrapup all the same.

Carl Pfeiffer

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