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Best way to conserve ammo?

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Playing Red Devils at Arnhem. Ammo is in short supply but units keep on firing even after I cancel their targets. Also can hear the officers yelling "save your ammo, lads". I find that the mortars are the worst offenders. They seem to fire until they are out of ammo. I thought Pause might be useful in reducing the amount of time that firing could happen, for instance pausing for 30 seconds should reduce the time to fire and therefore if it was 10 rounds per minute before, it should only be 5 in a half minute.

Well, the mortar team didnt pause and began the turn firing about every 10 seconds, but ended the turn firing faster so that 10 rounds were used up.

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There's a reason why mortar crews blow off all their ammunition. Ever carried any of that stuff? It's heavy! smile.gif

Anyway, to stop them from firing their whole load, make them HIDE.

IMHO, unless they have half their rounds still available, getting them to stop firing when they have only a few rounds left isn't worthwhile as it takes them a few to retarget anyway.



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