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Deployment Zones can be defined???

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I have created a scenario, where I have chosen specific zones on the map where I want the troops to be deployed initially.

For example, I have selected a fairly small zone in the corner of the map where I want the allies to start, and I have given most of the rest of the map to the axis. These zones are clearly shown in the MAP section of the scenario creator.

However, no matter what I do, it seems the battle always starts with the allies all along the west edge of the map, some inside and most outside of the deployment zone. I want them all to start inside the deployment zone.

Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

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You'll have to put them in those zones yourself while in the editor. The computer will not put them there, Hundimen.

Go to editor, load scenario, map, and then preview.

To place them in the proper zones, you'll then have to click on each unit, type "P" and click on where you want that unit to be.

I wish it would do something like that wink.gif


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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