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using a saved quickbattle map

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i don't know if somebody's mentioned this before, but when i've tried to use the map from a saved qb while starting a new game, there are a couple of problems. first, no matter what the battle type, the setup zone is the same as for the saved game. and when i imported the troops, destroyed tanks that were on fire in the original game are gone, but they're still smoking! anyone else seen problems like this from loading a saved map??

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Originally posted by zukkov:

i don't know if somebody's mentioned this before, but when i've tried to use the map from a saved qb while starting a new game, there are a couple of problems. first, no matter what the battle type, the setup zone is the same as for the saved game. and when i imported the troops, destroyed tanks that were on fire in the original game are gone, but they're still smoking! anyone else seen problems like this from loading a saved map??

are the smoking tanks enemy ones? it may be fow
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are the smoking tanks enemy ones? it may be fow
yes, they're enemy tanks, but i have troops less than 20 meters from the spot the burning tank is supposed to be. in any case, i don't consider that as big a problem as not being able to setup properly based on the parameters of the new game(ie, the first battle was a meeting engagement, now i wish to create a german attack, so the soviets should be able to set up around the victory locations for the defense. but instead, their setup zones are back in the same place as it was for the meeting engagement. only the imported troops are setup where they were on the last turn of the original battle, basically locked in place.)
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i tried to load the saved game into the editor, but it wouldn't allow it. no, this seems to be a bug. too bad too, cuz i really wanted to start a new battle with the germans trying to retake the objectives with an assault, while the russians dig in to defend their newly won positions...

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yes indeed. at first i was loading from the saved games folder, so i moved the last turn into the qb map folder. same result. it's really no fun trying to defend a hard won battlefield when all your new forces have to start back in the original setup zone for the first battle. all those at guns, minefields and wire defenses just go to waste. i wonder if this was the intention? in other words, once a meeting engagement, always a meeting engagement, etc. perhaps if the original map had been an assault map, it might work better for follow-on battles..

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It's indeed sad that no changes to the setup zones can be made and the file cannot be opened in the editor.

The problem goes a bit further than that; if you could open the file in the editor you would get all information about your opponents force as well including minefields etc. That wouldn't be great either. The whole thing should start already with different approach during the AAR. Before you get to see the AAR you would have to decide if you want to use the troops again; if yes, you should get an AAR with FOW. Then the AI should somehow rearrange the setup zones depending on the positions of the units of both sides. Then the second game starts begins.

Guess things like that are not possible until the great game engine rewrite and we will have to wait for a while.

As for the units being padlocked i think you can only leave them where they are or move them back into the setup zone.

As for the vehicles disappearing: During the first action phase the destroyed vehicles will appear again provided you have units within LOS.

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thanks t4f. i wasn't sure if that was the way it was supposed to work. i was hoping it was just a bug that would be patched. alas, that seems not to be the case. it's an important issue though, and players should be aware of it when they're going to set up a map that they'll want to use again and again. i assume you could create a map in the editor though, and reuse it for such back and forth type battles, but buildings, terrain, and units would not retain their damaged status in the next battle...

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