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destroy a kv1 in the year 1941? In a pbem i have mostly left infantry and a pz3, 50mm gun...

heavy trees, modest hills is the map options.

My oponent has a kv1 in a kind of open ground. I could just rush it whit infantry but it would propably just be a disaster, beacuse he has infantry in good cover. So any way of destroying it?

-The Bear Paddington

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Originally posted by Paddington:

destroy a kv1 in the year 1941? In a pbem i have mostly left infantry and a pz3, 50mm gun....

Quick question, is it absolutely necessary to destroy the beast? Is it possible to achieve your objectives without having to confront the beast and just let it be?

Much like in real combat conditions, if you find yourself facing a foe that you cannot overcome without excessive loses, try to avoid the foe (seriously paraphrasing Sun Tzu). Now that you know where it is, outflank the beast- avoid it entirely. At worst, he will come after you- but he might expose a weakness that you can overcome. On the other hand, he will be embarrassed by his expensive purchase that you simply avoided.

Not always, do you have to destroy everything on the map to win.

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Originally posted by Paddington:

destroy a kv1 in the year 1941? In a pbem i have mostly left infantry and a pz3, 50mm gun...

heavy trees, modest hills is the map options.

My oponent has a kv1 in a kind of open ground. I could just rush it whit infantry but it would propably just be a disaster, beacuse he has infantry in good cover. So any way of destroying it?

-The Bear Paddington

The only chance to take out the KV series in 1941, is hope that it strays near your Tank Hunter group. Other than that, start playing hide and go seek with you AFVs. Against the AI, I kept them busy by driving my AFVs around a clump of heavy wood. Stupid AI gets totally confused that way.
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You have a few choices. Infantry (pioneers with demo charges seem to work particularly well) can do it. A lucky PzJgr I can do it. A well-placed PaK 38 (50 mm) can do it. An air strike can do it.

If you don't have any of those, I suggest hiding.

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