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QB map imports

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Been playing with this this afternoon for a while. What i have found is quite interesting and i thought i would share.

If you are in a QB and save (alt s) the file is placed in the saved game directory.

You can then copy this (via explorer) into the Quick Battle maps directory.

Now you can restart CMBB and use a previous map for a new QB.

One of the critisims of random maps was there were good maps and bad maps. Bad maps (one-sided) often result in restarts, good maps are lost forever.

There have been random maps i would have loved to replay. Now it is possible. :D

Perhaps, in the future, there will be a repository of 'great maps' on a web-site.

There is also the opportunity to review before buying troops in a QB. (undocumented feature?)

Hope this is of use


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