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Here's a What-If for you - What if FDR wasn't President in 1941?

Dave H

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I think Mr. Peng has the most logical post!! Steiner: Nazis were, are, and have been always the worst scum in the history of the world. Germany can take no pride in thier murderous and disgusting polity. The death camps are thier only remaining legacy, a warning to those who would attempt to reimpose Nazi Socialism on a civilized world. You would try to compare their burgeoning pre-war economy with any democratic country? With decent moral leadership there could have been no Nazis in Germany. There was none, Hitler was a creation of the German mythos and his evil led to the destruction of that horrible regime. A3

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Originally posted by arax3:

(snip) With decent moral leadership there could have been no Nazis in Germany. There was none, Hitler was a creation of the German mythos and his evil led to the destruction of that horrible regime. A3

It would be comforting to believe that the rise of Hitler was due to a combination of circumstances limited to Germany and the Germans. Unfortunately, I don't think the rest of the world gets off that easily. Hitler was able to take and consolidate power because the "moral leadership" in Germany was shouted down, marginalized, and ignored. Any number of governments since Hitler's have found plenty of willing hands for goals of "ethnic cleansing" or tribal extermination. A government which has no morals itself certainly doesn't shy away from clubbing that nation's moral leadership into submission. It can happen anywhere.
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