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**UPDATED Mod** Saving Private Ryan-AK (SPR-AK) Terrain

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Now posting on www.cmmods.com:

Gridded Terrain - I'm not 100% happy with it as it doesn't always link up straight, but now I can see elevations again.

Low-Res Grass, Sand, Snow (gridded and standard) and Terrain Elements - Even though the low res mods make the doodads a little blockier, for my machine it's worth it. My armor is sharper (not being downsampled now?), and my scrolling speed is much improved.


From the readme (in the SPR-AK-Preview.zip):

The 'Saving Private Ryan - Afrika Korp' (SPR-AK) collection of mods is my way of trying to brighten up the terrain elements of Combat Mission - Afrika Korp. Screenshots are available in the SPR-AK-Preview.zip file on www.cmmods.com.

I've used Photoshop to up the contrast and saturation of most of the terrain elements in the game, while leaving all UI, armor and infantry .bmps alone. This gives the game (I hope!) a look much like many of the old 60s-70s WWII (and western) movies that I watched growing up, while also adding some extra 'contrast' to the active participants in the game. My original intent was to also add some 'noise' to the terrain to make it look more like 'Saving Private Ryan' and 'Band of Brothers', but that tended to add too much to the file size; that may come in a future iteration if this pack seems popular enough.

SPR-AK is made up of the following zip files (about 190 megs total!):

1. SPR-AK-Preview.zip

contains readme and 4 comparison screenshots (with SPR-AK on top, CMAK out-of-the-box on bottom), as well as a Photoshop 7 for PC 'recipe' for making your own custom batch mods.

2. SPR-AK-Buildings1.zip

3. SPR-AK-Buildings2.zip

4. SPR-AK-Buildings3.zip

5. SPR-AK-Grass.zip

Grass tiles only, not 'overlays' or doodads.

6. SPR-AK-Sand.zip

Sand tiles only, not 'overlays' or doodads.

7. SPR-AK-Skies.zip

8. SPR.AK-Snow.zip

These are the snow tiles only, not 'overlays' or doodads.

9. SPR-AK-TerrainElements1.zip

The terrain elements are the terrain 'overlays' (like wheat fields), as well as doodads.


A quick plug for 'McMMM', the Mod Manager I wish I'd written! It's a great way to install whole sets of mods (like SPR-AK), and back out the changes any time you want! I use it for all my CMxx games. Give it a spin and you may never go back to CMMOS (I know I haven't, and I LOVED CMMOS)!

You can find McMMM (and the SPR-AK mods) on www.cmmods.com.

Please let me know if you have any problems with these. Hope you enjoy them!

[ January 25, 2004, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: johnnymo ]

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There are four in the SPR-AK-Preview.zip file. If you want something in particular (maybe a desert shot?), let me know and I'll either email it to you or add it to the Preview file.

FYI, I'm working on gridding the grass/sand/snow and will probably post those once I get something I like.

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