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This is asked and answered many a time in the forum: a simple search would have found it, but seeing I’m “Mr Happy” today (way too much cold medication):

Delete a file with a name like <<C:\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Afrika Korps\Combat Mission AK Prefs>> and it'll start you off again with the select resolution dialogues.

Better still, rename it to something like "AK prefs 1024x768x85Hz (or whatever your current screen res is) and you'll be able to create a set of different pref files for various circumstances.

Remember, if you don't get a dialogue box to answer, just wait patiently (15s I think) and it tries the next resolution: wait until you see something, or revert to the just renamed prefs file if you have a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by ramagel:

Delete a file with a name like <> and it'll start you off again with the select resolution dialogues.

Maybe if you actually told him the name of the file:

Go into yr CMAK folder (wherever that might be, usually Program Files), find a file named "Combat Mission AK Prefs", and delete it.

Choose screen resolution for desktop, start game, choose driver / screen resolution combo as appropriate, play game.

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Hmmm ... I wonder if the board interprets anything between <> *when pasted in from word* as a link of some kind - since it is in the original file (I write offline in word for spell-checking and grammar purposes and paste into boards).

He only had to ask ..... maybe he'd solved the problem already ....

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