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Jeff Weatherspoon's Tutorial-Awesome!

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I've only just got the game, and I've tried the tutorial as per instructions twice and been thrashed by the AI twice.

After setting up the mortar, I tried first giving two turns of fire to the AA position, one to mortar position (saw plenty of hits land inside the sandbags), then finished off the ammo on the two MG positions. Started the charge:

Five cars lost to the *unharmed* AA gun before reaching the building, the rest cut to pieces by the *unharmed* MG positions. My troops don't even make it to the building. Total Defeat.

Try again - Four turns of mortar fire on the AA position, one each on the MG positions.

AA position is unharmed, but decides not to fire for some reason (checked at end of game, all 6 crew were OK, but no kills). MG's start cutting up my cars, but I get my troops out and start them Assaulting towards the relay building. The MG on the top floor sends most of them crawling back to the palm trees, and the two squads that make it into the building (6 unharmed troops) put up a short fight then surrender. Major Defeat.

So, either I'm really unlucky and got a special sort of mortar (perhaps one that fires water balloons?), or this is a bit hard for a tutorial!

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Bnej, I think maybe you were just unlucky on your mortaring of the AA gun.

I got wiped out on my first try at this scenario because I was reluctant to separate the HQ from the infantry squads, so I had no one to spot for the mortar and had to get it into LOS of its targets, which resulted in the mortar team getting shot up and suppressed pretty quickly. Then I brought my scout cars over the ridge at regular Move speed and they got shot up before they could even get to the palms, leaving the surviving infantry crawling around on open ground.

My second go I used the HQ to spot for the mortar and started off with 3 minutes of mortar fire on the AA gun position while the rest of the troops had a leisurely time getting all set up for their charge. Simultaneous with the charge I had the mortar re-target to suppress one of the MG positions. For the charge, I had one squad and the MG carrier move up to the top of the ridge to provide cover fire, then all of the scout cars with their half-squads raced over the ridge and directly to the front of the building at Fast speed. Not wanting to trust that my mortar had killed the AA gun, I had the cars come in at an angle that used the radio building to block the AA gun's LOS.

I think I got a bit lucky with the cars' MG fire during the charge, because by the time I got my troops into the building everyone there was already dead. I then was in the nice position of using the building as my own base to take out the rest of the Italian units.

Give it another go, it really is a fun scenario.

Lt. Badger

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