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Newbie with another problem, mines?

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Ok still trying to get my head round this.

A squadron of tanks moving across open ground, bang immobilised, blue flag mines, next tank seeing his mate blow up decides to keep going, and so does the third one so in the space of a minute you see a squadron of tanks immobilise themselves one after the other.

Now I'm gradually getting used to the lack of micromanagement but I'm obviously at a loss to find the alternative command to the 'slowly move forward and ignoring all else kill yourselves' so what am I missing??


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Normally the tactical AI prevents your tanks from such a suicide. In the games I've played the remaining tanks try to drive around such a minefield. But the problem is that there might be more than one minefield or (what I guess) that some of the tanks drive to close around the square where the tac AI expects the minefield.

I am not sure if the command 'moving to contact' could help you. Just from memory I would say that they stop when a minefield is detected.

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From your posts aviator, I'm getting the sense that your giving your units complicated orders with a lot of waypoints.

If I'm correct, try breaking down your movements into smaller bites. I think you'll be happy with the results. For one thing your command delay will shrink.

If I'm wrong, ignore me. =P

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Lots of factors here.

What was your Speed , quality of troops, line ahead or abreast, buttoned and unbuttoned. All have an effect. Orientation of minefield

I think the chief point is that you know it is a mine. If I am travelling in a tank and my neighbour tank is hit my first reaction is to scan the terrain for enemey tanks or ATG's. Stopping is certainly not my first priority as if I do I become a much easier target. Mines are far far less common killer than the other two.

IF you do not have detailed hits on and one of your tanks is hit and stops would YOU know what it was? Not me.

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