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Problem with getting my PC to read the CM disk.

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So, I install Roxio CD Creator 5, and afterwards, my computer gives me this message:

DirectCD 5.02(155)

The driver 'CDR4_2K.SYS' on your system is old. Please re-install DirectCD to update this driver.

So I think, Okay, I'll deal with this when I have the time. But now my PC won't read any disks in either CD-ROM drive! I can't play CM, I can't do anything!

So, what is this DirectCD, and how do I find the updated drivers I need to get back into the game?!

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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

So, I install Roxio CD Creator 5, and afterwards, my computer gives me this message:

DirectCD 5.02(155)

The driver 'CDR4_2K.SYS' on your system is old. Please re-install DirectCD to update this driver.

So I think, Okay, I'll deal with this when I have the time. But now my PC won't read any disks in either CD-ROM drive! I can't play CM, I can't do anything!

So, what is this DirectCD, and how do I find the updated drivers I need to get back into the game?!

DirectCD is packet writing software that allows you to use CDRW disks like hard drives (dragging and dropping files, deleting files without having to re-format etc.)

You might try finding an update hereDirectCD updates

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