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CMBB as the tactical part of a board game

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I recently bought a board wargame (For the first time in a long time) that could translate fairly well into a CMBB campaign game. It's Eastfront by Columbia Games (which many old timers may remember as the wargame played with blocks). It's a game that's been around for years, and there is a computer version too (Which I've never played, but might be able to work for PBEM).

It has a very unique step-loss system where each unit has three or four step value, where it's current strength is shown by rotating the block so its present strength is facing upwards - no bookkeeping required. Battles in Eastfront take place inside one hex, with a maximum of four units from each side participating.

My idea is to give 200 QB points for each step of value, i.e. a 3 step armour unit would give 600 armour points towards a QB battle. For large battles only 100 QB points per step can be given to keep CM battles manageable. Random rarity should be on in the CM QB generator, and players are required to select units with 'no change' rarity or less to prevent excessive cherrypicking.

Terrain should be generated in CM by the conditions in the board hex, i.e. clear terrain is moderately hilly and forrested, Mountain terrain is very hilly etc. Rivers are partially handled by Eastfront rules (only one unit can attack accross a river hexside), additionally a 25% cut in QB points and/or 20% casualties can allow a non-river QB map to be generated, and still give the defender an advantage.

The challenge in CM would be to capture or hold the hex, i.e. all the objective flags. As battles in Eastfront can last for several turns with units remaining in the battle hex, it's no problem for battles to result in not all flags being taken.

Converting CM losses back into Eastfront units is suprisingly easy. For every 200 points in losses (Reflected in the CM AAR Statistics box) reduce a board unit by one step in the Eastfront manner (The largest units take the first hits). Remember that the battle you're fighting in CM is only a small action in the larger battle taking place in the hex - just because you lost two Tigers doesn't mean every company in the divsion lost two also. Your action just represents how the army group in the hex is generally doing as a whole. One is always motivated to keep losses to a minimum because each loss will be missed in a couterattack or future battle.

I could drone on, but I'll wait to see if there's any interest before I get into minutia, especially as most of you are probably unfamiliar with the Eastfront/Westfront/Medfront series. The rules are downloadable at Columbiagames.com. See for yourself if it could work.

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Of course, you also have to remember that the points you get for an armored unit are not just armor points. At the scale of Eastfront, an armored unit is not just the tanks but rather the other supporting and attached forces as well.

It is better to use the Eastfront units to select the appropriate division type for the purchases.

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Originally posted by tar:

Of course, you also have to remember that the points you get for an armored unit are not just armor points. At the scale of Eastfront, an armored unit is not just the tanks but rather the other supporting and attached forces as well.

It is better to use the Eastfront units to select the appropriate division type for the purchases.

I agree, besides a pure tank force probably wouldn't do too well. Most battles in Eastfront (And Westfront too) involve more than one type of unit, so it's not too impractical too allot all armour points in some situations. Some sensible limits would have to apply.

Importantly, casualties taken in CM would should be halved to remain consistant with 'Eastfront' casualties (I doubt players would want to fight every battle in the game, I would suggest one per turn). This also simulates that the rear echelon cadres of large units don't take casualties at the rate of the small CM level combat units. Also casualties should be rounded down when re-applying to 'Eastfront' because some CM units like AFV and ATGs 'spawn' points in the form of crews when knocked out, etc.

I've also thought that ammunition penalties could be an effective way to simulate unsupported attacks, and for terrain that can't be QB generated like rivers. Just a thought...

[ December 03, 2003, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Noiseman ]

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