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CM BB Editor Capabilites

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I recently upgraded my machine's Vid card to a Nvidia FX 5700 LE 256MB. I tried to make a operation size "huge" I had done this a few times before with my old card. With the new card the game freezes up in constructing the random map. Also when I loaded a huge map operation i downloaded the game froze up on the first turn. I have a p4 2.0 gig with 1 gig of ram and a XP Sp2 OS. Anybody have any ideas why this occurs and how to fix it?. I have all the latest drivers and checked all the basics. 800 X 600 16 bit color etc.

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This really should have been posted in the Tech Support forum. An admin will probably move this over there shortly.

As for you problem though, i really can't help you. But i will say this though. Upgrading you pc just for the CM games really isn't all that neccessary. Unless of course you have an ancient pc.(less than 1Ghz, 256mb RAM or less, Etc.)

I remember about 3 yrs ago i bought a monster Area-51 pc from Alienware for the HL2's, the Doom3's, and the Farcry's. Which was great and still is. But how big of a performance boost did i get from the CM games? Very little, if any at all.

Another thing that greatly impacts performance are those high-rez mods that most of us use. If you do like those gigantic battles then i'd say stick with low-rez mods or just stick with the stock graphics. Also you might want to tone down or just turn off your anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering in your graphics card options.

Anyway's, hope you get your problem sorted.

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