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A Mod Plea - Begging Really w/Shameless Plug

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Tanks a lot... TANK man, what's going on?

I mean, what the devil is going on??? I wrote to ya and I get some email from your firewall saying I'm spamming ya? Spam spam-sa spam spam... Now, besides not being able to write to Tanks, I stop gaming for a few months and look what happens. BFC rams CMAK into full gear mode, the CMMOD database was toasted to a cinder, no one has posted an update for CMBB CMMOS files since Abe Lincoln went arse over teakettle at Ford theater, and to top it all off I can't locate one of my CMBB file save CD's with (ofcourse), all my favorite mods on it!!!

Alright alright, I'm baaaack! Now, let's get organized. First things first. A schmooze for Tanks. The shameless plug. I've located most of Tanks mods, but one of my favorite, Tanks bunker/pillbox mods cannot be found. The wood and concrete mods that were so beautiful. Really stood the pillbox world on its ear. Tanks man, I ain't spaming ya, I just wanna get me a copy of them pillboxes. (Pears someone torpedoed Tom's CMHQ site ta boot)!

There's just no denying it, Tanks pillbox mod is a must have, A MUST HAVE mind ya and I ain't got it. Tank, Tom, somebody do somefink!!! I wanna copy of the pillbox mod. Gimme gimme gimme...

[ November 23, 2003, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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Nah, I'm in Maryland but I'm from West Virginia. WEll I were just funning me ole friend and ole pal Tanks a lot. I din mean no harm, harnest! Now, bout that pillbox mod by Tanks. Where's a feller ta find it? That were the goodest mod I ever seed. Now I can't seem to get ahold of the cotton picker ta get me a copy of that mod. What I'm gonna do? Could go out in the front lawn and shove that old washin machine into the crick I guess. Dog gone it, where's Tanks?!?

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Nah, I'm in Maryland but I'm from West Virginia. WEll I were just funning me ole friend and ole pal Tanks a lot. I din mean no harm, harnest! Now, bout that pillbox mod by Tanks. Where's a feller ta find it? That were the goodest mod I ever seed. Now I can't seem to get ahold of the cotton picker ta get me a copy of that mod. What I'm gonna do? Could go out in the front lawn and shove that old washin machine into the crick I guess. Dog gone it, where's Tanks?!?

Okay Bruno, I just sent it to you. Hopefully your ISP can handle the 2.5 megs. Let me know if you get it , or not. Sorry about the spam blocker. You aren't going to try and sell me Viagra now that your on my good list. ;)

[ November 24, 2003, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]

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