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Wow, what a difference 4x FSAA makes

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I've never had these missing text, black screen problems, and I've run CM on various TNT2, GF3, GF4 rigs. Here's some things I've learned about AA and CM along the way:

Don't use AA x2, this will give you the Black Screen at start-up problem --- go with 4x or better.

People having the missing text, stuttering problems might want to try and disable vertical-sync in the OpenGL settings.

The 30.82 drivers work best for GF3's, but I'd recommend the 41.09 drivers for GF4 cards. Get a little app called "Detonator Destroyer" if yr having problems switching drivers --- it'll zap those hidden nVidia files for you. Especially since there's a known problem with moving from the 3xxx series to the 4xxx series --- some files that won't go away and conflict with the newer files.

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Originally posted by kump:

Radeon 9700

Man, this ATI card screams. It really made my new 2.8 GHz machine scream with even the most demanding games. Very impressive. But for CM, what a shame! It lets you set the AA up to 8xAA!!! But its just like the GeForce3 card, it does a good job with textures, but the polygon edges in CM still have the jaggies and you get that swimming mess. I love this card for what it does for other games, but Combat Mission isn't best with it.

You're aware, of course, that there has been no FSAA in 16-bit games until Catalyst 3.1, out today? No wonder you see jaggies smile.gif

Try it with the new drivers and be amazed! (Knocking on wood, the leaked drivers broke CMBB big time)

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I'm running Win XP and my current drivers for the 4200 is I notice the new one 'Detonator' is 41.09. I've heard there were problems with the Dets. Are they OK.

With XP there is a facility in Device Manager to 'Update' Driver and one to 'Uninstall'. With the first facility there is there any need to do an uninstall first? I'm paranoid about things get cocked up.

I also use and Audigy Soundard and am tempted to use their new driver too - anyone had any problems? AUDDRVPAK.L11 it is.

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Interesting, kinda related tidbit. Since switching to FSAA 4x I can see my in game FS2002 Menus again. This had been bugging me ever since going to Windows 2K.

There is definitly some weird error in the Nvidia drivers that creates problems with overlays in 3d graphics and such. In both games, the menus and buttons are there, you can click them, but you can't see them unless you switch to 4x.

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