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NOWT Tournament - The End !

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Originally posted by CSM Hollis:

Setup done & first turn underway. I choose Russkies for a change, wonder if I'll have to face any 'big cats'.

I'll let you know how the game is getting on from time to time. BTW Lou is there a deadline for this match?

Thanks for the update ... good luck with !

I've not put a deadline on the games, we'll just see how they progress ..... but a regular update on what turns each of the games are on would be good, so that I can see how they are moving and hopefully we can get both games concluded at about the same time.

I'd also be interested in players thoughts the settings for this round ... in particular the troop quality.


P.S. Has CSM junior arrive yet smile.gif

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Quick update on my semi with Wesreidau. We're at turn 10. We would have been further on if it weren't for some irritating email problems with turns being sent but disappearing up either NTL's or BT's cyber-backside.

The map is reasonably fair, with four 100 pt flags widely separated. This last turn saw the first significant exchange of fire, so it's been very cagey so far.

Lou, win or lose I'll post some thoughts on the settings for the final nearer the time. I suppose it will move to 1945, in which case with rarity on the affordable equipment is much the same as now, especially for the Russians.

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CSM. Hollis and I are on turn 6 and, as you can imagine, it's largely been all quiet.

The 4 flags (3 small one large) are scattered across a heavily damamged (read flattened) village overlooked by a few hills, which I think gives a fairly balanced battelfield. Contact has been restricted to a few desultry shots across the bows :D which I hope have put the willies up the enemy (and I'm not talking jeeps).

Will keep you updated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The NOWT final is getting closer.

It looks like SteveS is through to the final - Congratualation !

Wesreidau - hard luck .... its been a long slog from the first NOWT game .... there will be a place in any future CMAK tournament if you want it.

Any feedback from either player on the way the settings effected the game balance would be welcome.

Any update on the CSM / Dr Juzzy battle ?

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Here's a brief(ish) AAR and a comment about the settings for the semi.

First thanks to Wes for being a sporting opponent and a pleasure to play against.

Wes had first pick and went for the Germans. I probably would have too based on the fact that their basic armour is cheaper and just as capable despite the lesser quality setting. But the settings were fair enough and the greater robustness of the Russian infantry proved a bonus.

My force pick was armour heavy. I expected a map in which I'd need mobile direct firing HE units to attack buildings and also mobile AT units hunting for limited LOS opportunities, so no onboard mortars or AT guns this time. I cherry picked a simple force of

2 platoons of 3 T43/85s (the early slow turret version to save points and because of the expected restricted LOS)

2 SU-76s (they're cheap at 79 points)

1 44A rifle company

5 Tank hunter squads

1 82mm (9 tube, 250 ammo) FO...as much for the smoke option although I didn't use smoke in the end.

Due to the 10% casualties setting I lost 1 T34 and some infantry.

The map showed two hills on either side with a central valley containing most of the buildings.

4 flags, two on the left hill, one in the valley and one on the right hill. The two on the left were much easier for the Russian side to take and hold. The valley flagged looked a nightmare surrounded as it was by so many buildings, and the right flag was difficult because it was on a reverse slope with easy LOS for the Axis support weapons.

Basic and simple strategy was to send the bulk of my infantry to the left to secure those two flags. Send a small force (2 squads, their HQ unit, and a TH) to the right to at least try and deny overall control of that flag to the enemy. Armour on each hill would support the other side with crossfire. Tank hunters would scout around and try and pick off unwary Axis armour. Finally, opportunity kill any Axis armour with mine where I could. Eke out a small victory.

I expected that battle would be decided by armour kill points and that is how it turned out.

I captured both left flags and Wes captured both right flags as we sent the bulk of our infantry to the flags that seemed easier. However, Wes sent a larger force against my left than I did against his right. Crucially, the map enabled me to bring my tanks into more effective support positions than Wes and consequently, I inflicted more infantry casualties than he did. One key action was to destroy the building containing his arty FO and kill him before he could bring down any fire.

The crucial moment on the left came when Wes tried to bring two stugs into a more effective support position. I'd already tried to ambush one with a T34, getting into a nice firing position for a side kill, but I'd left the commander unbuttoned and he was killed by a burst of MG fire from the stug, shocking the crew. The stug ever so slowly turned and fired two rounds at the T34 at a range of 150 m but failed to kill it before it backed away. However, Wes then moved his stugs into an ambush I'd set with 2 tank hunters and in, I have to say a beautiful moment, both stugs were destroyed on the same turn by rpgs.

From that point, Wes had to play catch up and late on he was forced to go on an aggresive armour hunt with his remaining armour, 4 hetzers, against superior numbers. His choice of hetzers looked a good one at first as, despite my getting the first shots in from short range, they survived many ricochets off their sloping armour. I lost one SU-76 in the battles, and luckily survived penetrating hits on the other SU-76 and a T34, but in the end I killed one Hezter on each flank, on the right with a side shot from a T34 and on the left with one of the same tank hunters that had taken out a stug earlier. A real hero of the Soviet Union that guy smile.gif

[ October 31, 2003, 05:38 AM: Message edited by: SteveS ]

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Steve ..... Thanks for that ... It sounds like it was a good battle and not too one sided, or a forgone conclusion from the outset. On to the final for you smile.gif

Dr Juzzy .... I'll give CSM another few days to see if he makes contact. As we already have one finalist waiting I cant give him too long before making a decision on on what happens next.

Most probable outcome will be that you go through to the final against Steve.


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That's a shame :( , but I appreciate where you'e coming from. My last turn was sent on 9/10/03.

It had all the potential of a realy good game. He'd knocked out one of my StuGs and I'd cracked a T34/85. My infantry were comfortably in position having secured their objectives.

Let's wait and see. I'll leave it to the umpire's discretion as to when we should continue.

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Hopefully CSM will get in touch soon and things can continue as normal. It may be that the new addition to his family is taking up too much of his time ....(god I remember how that feels )

...If no contact then I'll have to make another decision.

Now a question about the final for Steve, Dr Juzzy, CSM and anybody else with an opinion.

To avoid one player getting an unfair advantage with the QB settings - how do you guys feel about deciding the final over 2 games ... same settings for both, but swapping sides. Adding up the scores as normal and the highest total score wins the tournament.

I know some of the games have been taking quite a while to play out. So they could be smaller battles, it depends on your turn rate .... Could even run both games at the same time !

Any thoughts / ideas ??????


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I'd have no problem with that, Lou. My availability is pretty good for the next few weeks so I can certainly handle two games concurrently.

We could reduce the size a bit as you suggest, say 1250 pts with a 23+ turn limit ? If we do I'd suggest no casualties rather than the 10% setting used so far.

[ November 01, 2003, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: SteveS ]

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I'll be giving CSM another couple of days to get in touch .... but would like the final to be underway before the weekend. (If the game was still running then I'd obviously let it take its course )

Steve, you are obviously in.

Dr Juzzy, as your game with CSM was already underway before losing contact, then by default you win unless he gets in touch.

OK then we'll go with the 2 game final. You both seem happy with 1250 points and 23+ turns, no casualties, so we'll go with those settings.

The date will be 1945 - the terrain was due to be 'city' but as there will be two games with the same settings, I'm happy for that to change as long as both players are in agreement.

Any preferences on force mix / quality / terrain.

(remember BOTH games will have the same settings, but you'll play one as Allied one as Axis)

Thoughts & ideas !

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Yes sorry for the delay .... I should have posted this at the weekend.

I'm assuming nobody has heard from CMS Hollis.

Therefore, SteveS and Dr Juzzy are through to the final.


Date: Apr 45

Region: Central

Time: Mid day

Weather: Cool/Overcast

Turns: 23 (variable)

Battle: QB Meeting Engagement

Points: 1250

Map: Medium

Type: Village

Trees: Heavy

Hills: Modest

Force selection: NO Casualties


Combined Arms / Luftwaffe Mech

Quality = MEDIUM


Combined Arms / Guards Mech

Quality = MEDIUM



The final is being played out over 2 games,

both with the same settings.

Each Player will play one game as Russian and one as German.

The overall winner will be the person with the highest combined score from both games.

Both games can be played simultaneously if you both have the time, with each player doing one setup. I'll leave you both to work out the details.

Any questions or problems let me know.

Good luck and keep us posted on game progress!


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I'm exteremly sorry for my 'vanishing act' which as you may have guessed had a lot to do with my baby daughter but also down to some net problems I was having. I'm happy to default on my game to enable the tournament to reach a conclusion & would like to thank you all for patiently giving me every chance to get back in touch.

I am of course happy to finish of my semi game with Dr Juzzy 'just for fun' if he would like but if not wish him good luck in the final.

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CSM - Let me take this opportuninty to congratulate you on the arrival of your daughter.

The 'vanishing act' wasnt really a problem and understandable given the new addition to your family.

As you will have gathered I assumed you were missing, so have moved Dr Juzzy on to the final.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Update on the progress of the final.

Both games are about 1/3 of the way through.

Game 01, Dr. J as the Russians.

I've read in a couple of posts on this forum the opinion that Combat Mission is like chess. It is actually more like poker...a game of skill but with a high variance. In this game I pulled the equivalent of drawing a runner-runner flush when poor movement plotting on a tight road left a Stug at a 45 degree angle to a direction I wanted to cover. Sure enough, a T34 popped up from just that angle and at a range of 220 metres surely couldn't miss. But it did, twice, and my Stug leisurely turned and nailed it first shot. Dr. J had the good humour to put a smiley on his comments, but I suspect his keyboard has some teeth marks on it smile.gif

Both infantry forces are beginning to engage around the main, 300 pt flag. The map has three other 100 pt flags with little action around them so far.

Game 02, Myself as the Russians.

Another map with a 300 pt main flag, but only two other 100 pt flags this time. This map also has rather more open ground in key areas than the first map. Less action in this so far. I ambushed and eliminated one of Dr. J's squads on a scouting mission and there has been some exchange of long range mg and mortar fire.

Everything still to play for. We should be finished just in time for Lou's new CMAK tourney smile.gif

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