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Direct2Drive Installation Problem

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I've bought CMBO and CMAK and had a sudden urge to play CMBB. Too impatient to go the shops and buy it, I foolishly tried to get an 'instant fix' by downloading it from 'Direct2Drive'.

Apart from the 3 hour download time I've just wasted another 2 hours trying to 'activate' the game. I just end up going round in circles trying to log in to anyone of a number of confusing web-sites.

I still have not managed to play the game.

Has anyone used this service successfully? My advice to anyone considering it is... Stop! Be a little bit more patient. Go to a shop or order a physical CD online. Save yourself five hours and don't bother with Direct2Drive. It's a major hassle.

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Several people, myself included, have posted about problems with D2D and thus far anyone from BF.com has not answered. In my one use of D2D I ended up with a corrupted copy of the CM:BB strategy guide. Others have had this same issue. And tyring to get answers from D2D is useless. I know well what you mean going in circles. Hit 'support' and you end up at Gamespy.com. It's ridiculous. If I were you I would challenge the charge through your credit card company, and go to a store, or EBay, and pick up a copy. You can pick up CMBB for around $15 on Ebay, new and in the box.

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You are so right. I wish I had not been so impatient. I had a bad feeling about paying for this, I don't know why, the whole Direct2Drive setup just did not feel right. I actually hesitated for a good five minutes before hitting the 'Place Order' button. And the download speed was very slow as well.

I've never 'challenged' a credit card payment before. Is there anything I should know before I do?

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Originally posted by Beezer:

You are so right. I wish I had not been so impatient. I had a bad feeling about paying for this, I don't know why, the whole Direct2Drive setup just did not feel right. I actually hesitated for a good five minutes before hitting the 'Place Order' button. And the download speed was very slow as well.

I've never 'challenged' a credit card payment before. Is there anything I should know before I do?

Follow whatever tech support/order support instructions you can find, and follow ALL of the instructions, and document everything (I sent them an email at this time on this day, etc). Follow all the instructions and give them 2 or 3 days to respond. If you don't hear from a human being within 2 or 3 days, call your credit card company and challenge it. They will send you paperwork, and part of that will be the things you did to attempt to resolve the issue. That's where you put all of your documentation.

And if you get an autoresponse, I wouldn't count that as a response. The above isn't like a law or something, but it demonstrates that you tried to fix the problem before you resorted to challenging the charge.

I will never pay and download a program from a place like D2D, especially as you only pay to download it once. At least if you buy Nero or Registry Mechanic or something like that, if you need to reinstall it you can download it again. With D2D it is one time only. So that patch screws up your install and you need to reinstall, you are screwed.

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I also downloaded CMBB last december from the same place as you (I think). Unfortunately I did not face any problem. So I am a happy CMBB user now alredy getting two months. Have you really followed the instructions? In my instructions they said that before "activating" the game I have to check my email address carefully.

So I did not have problems with buying CMBB.

But when earlier last year I registered as a user to Battlefront.com I got problems because my service provider blocked all emails from Battlefront.com.

Perhaps all the emails from D2D are blocked away by your servuce provider. Contact your service provider.

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