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How can IS3 take out Jagtigers Frontal lower hull from up to 950. Its so unrealistic. I had both crews as set to Elite and almost always Jagtiger get knocked out cause Front lower hull hit...

If this is an error hope they fix it cause it makes me mad..

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Originally posted by Reozil:

How can IS3 take out Jagtigers Frontal lower hull from up to 950. Its so unrealistic. I had both crews as set to Elite and almost always Jagtiger get knocked out cause Front lower hull hit...

If this is an error hope they fix it cause it makes me mad..

Go hull down,that is what it is there for.Get on the reverse slope of a small hill.It will prevent exposure of your lower hull.
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Originally posted by rune:

As a serious answer, 100 mm of armor at 50 degrees, the gun on the IS3 can take it out easily up to 900 meters.


Good answer.

U.S. tests with 122mm APBC show the round defeating 100mm of 50 degree sloped armor at 1125m.

There is data out there indicating that IS-2 Model 1944 with 60 degree glacis had a 100mm cast or 90mm rolled front lower hull, where the 30 degree from vertical slope makes that armor VERY vulnerable.

Someone once told me that ground folds block many or most hits on tracks and front lower hull beyond medium range, but first knock-outs of IS-2 tanks by Tigers and StuG III's were hits through the front lower hull.

I guess it depends how rolling the terrain is. Pictures of steppes often show fairly flat ground, which would support front lower hull hits.

At Isigny, France during 1944 American firing trials against three Panthers, ground folds partically blocked view of Panther front lower hull at ranges from 200 to 800 yards.

As the man said, look for hulldown positions if the lower nose armor is nothing to write home about. Hulldown positions also reduce the chance a T34 will hit the Jagdtiger track and break it, which can end the day for an unlucky panzer crew.

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