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Looking for a Vet Player to walk me through a game (demo)

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Not really looking for an "opponent" as such so ill post this here as well.

Hi have played CM:BB several times, and read all the help files (the .doc and the PDF) and have the basics of the game down.

I was wondering if anyone could walk me through a game, and let me ask questions and such. This is probably a tiresome thing for a veteran player , but it would be much apreciated.

Obviously i would just flat out lose, we know i suck. Looking for more of a "learning battle" with setup suggestions, tactical suggestions, I've got a lot of "general ideas" based on what i've been reading on the forums over the last few days, but specific advice would be awesome

Today (Wed Jan 15th) Im off work and would be avial for hotseat or BPEM. I've never played against a human before.

Preferably Citadel because thats what im most familar with.

Email: troy@troyspiral.com

ICQ: 4821972

Yahoo: Troy_Spiral

AOL IM: TroySpiral6969

MSN IM: troyspiral@hotmail.com

[ January 15, 2003, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: Troy Spiral ]

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Welcome Troy!

I just wanted to let you know that your post did not go unnoticed. Unfortunately, I do not have time to play Citadel against you tonight. I am happy to answer and questions you might have about it or the game in general, though.

To save you the trouble of looking up my email in my member profile, my email is




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Thanks for the friendly reply Yankee!

I'm about to shut down the PC for the night and get my crap togogether for work tommrow and what not so no problem that ya dont have time tonight.

I think im somewhat addicted to this game (again! Used to play the CM:BO demo a lot) so i will certianly have to touch base with you. Damn real life is messing with my gaming time again! lol

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