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Shooting below the horizon: a stupid question

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When we play CMBB, our tanks have little trouble backing down the crest of a hill without losing a lock on an enemy on the other side. This is because it seems that CMBB tanks have little trouble depressing their guns substantially below the horizon. These tactics met a rude shock when we tried to play "Red Orchestra". When we backed up behind the hill, even a gentle slope was generally too steep and our gun couldn't depress low enough to shoot a target on the other side. This seems to us to be a realistic and reasonable limitation on this strategy. Does CMBB adequately limit how much guns can depress?

My apologies if this is an FAQ, but I wasn't able to find it in the list

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Originally posted by sightreader:

These tactics met a rude shock when we tried to play "Red Orchestra". When we backed up behind the hill, even a gentle slope was generally too steep and our gun couldn't depress low enough to shoot a target on the other side. This seems to us to be a realistic and reasonable limitation on this strategy. Does CMBB adequately limit how much guns can depress?

To my knowledge CMBB and CMAK both accurately represent this. I have personally never seen a gun lower further than it would be able to in reality. I have not run any tests on this but I do recollect my own infantry being next to a tank, unable to lower its gun further, had my infantry targeted but could not engage them until it reversed a few meters.

Regarding Red Orchestra however. I have really never had the problem you are referring to. If a slope is too steep you will obviously not be able to depress your gun low enough. But most "gentle slopes" in Red Orchestra will give you no problems in lowering the tank's gun.

On a more offtopic note, Red Orchestra does a poor job at accurately simulating tank combat. Also with the current UT engine it is impossible to properly model the tank's armor and penetration values. Nor is it possible to get rid of the horrid health system tanks have in the game.



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