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Does the AI use Sewer Movement?

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Has anyone had an indication that the AI can/does use Sewer Movement? One of the BCR players mailed me the following:

"I did an experiment to see if the computer would use sewer movement if it

were the only way to accomplish the mission. The AI would not.

I made a map in the Scenario Editor, split it in half with a river. I put

the required buildings on both sides of the river, and a platoon of Russians

and Germans on opposite banks. The only flag was near a building on one

side of the river. I played each side to ensure that the sewer movement

option worked, and I was able to cross the river using sewer movement for

both forces. The AI would NOT do the same. As a side note, in an earlier

test, I created a narrow, minefield strewn path from one side to the other.

The AI would send multiple units across a known minefield if that was the

only option to get to the flag. The AI could have avoided the minefield by

using sewer movement, but it chose not to."

Doesn't sound to good.


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Could it be something to do with combining certain terrain types and rivers? I can't seem to get the AI to send tanks or armoured vehicles across a bridge no matter if it's the only way to cross a river. They will cross at fords, however. I can't seem to get the AI to force infantry across a bridge either, but I'm less worried about that.

Maybe sewers and bridges combiend with rivers somehow limit or restrict passage.

Maybe try the same thing with a canyon or something that would stop infantry other than a river - a row of burning buildings?

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