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Multiplayer - the best thing since sliced bread?

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Probably. In another thread KipAnderson was mentioning how great it will be to have another player on your side that doesnt do exactly what you want. He used the example of one player controlling tanks and another player controlling infantry. And I cant agree more - that will be unbelievably exciting.

But will that be the best thing about multiplay? I think maybe no. I am wondering if the best thing about multiplayer CM will be being able to share the battle with another person. Right now, if I do a great tactical move, the only person I can share it with is my enemy. And I, for one, really dont like talking about how bad I get whooped, and I dont like seeming like I am bragging either. So the only medium for sharing is usually through AARs - which isnt that great.

I play team board games/comp games/cards from time to time with friends, and the best part is talking later about how we whooped, or got whooped, by somebody. We can talk for hours about that. Oh for the days when that will be possible with CM. I cant wait!!!

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you know, you're exactly right.

there's many times (...well) i've turned to my girlfriend & said "look! i got him. i've {blown up tank, killed infantry, tempted into kill sack etc}".

do i get the aclaim due? no.

& i can't say to my opponent "look! aren't i brilliant!" because the next move shows how wrong i was, or i'm shown up to be some kind of 1337 triumphant fool. or it gives something away. or lets face it it's just really bad manners.

so what can you do? all the guys i play with read this board & they all know me as "Other Means" and they are all nice guys. and too bloody sharp to be giving clues to.

no AAR's are the only way. i'll continue to boor my girlfriend or my mate in work and the guys i'm playing against will not get the pleasure of boasting how wrong i was when i've said i was going to win.

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