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CMAK request - if it isnt too late

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I would like to request a couple of changes for CMAK that would make 3rd party campaigns (eg CMMC) more secur.

1)It would be extremely helpful to have an option in the scenario editor that turns off the AAR and the map when the battle ends? This would need to be tied to a password in the scenario editor so that only the person who created the scenario could look at the final map/AAR.

2)Currently, it is kind of a pain to set up a battle so that it is impossible for opponents not to load the game into the scenario editor and/or load the game as a hotseat game and look at something they are not supposed to. I think this could be fixed with pre-assigned password options in the parameters section of the scenario editor.

Note, there is a work-around for problem #2, so it isnt as necessary as option 1. BTW, these seem to me like relatively simple changes, otherwise I wouldnt ask for them. Of course, I know that what seems easy to somebody outside the program could in fact be a lot more complicated once you get into the program.

Since we wont have any other CM games for 2 years or so, I figure people will be playing a lot of custom campaigns, and these would be much used features.

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Originally posted by David Chapuis:

Does anyone know a solution for problem #1 mentioned above? Does anyone know how CMMC deals with this?

Instead of doing battles, set the battles up as static operations and have the players just play battle one, then send it to the judges. All they will see in the AAR is their own casualties
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