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Targetting development

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I thought about the old CMBO ambush vs. the CMBB cover arc

and thought that a combination might be rather cool to have while

at the same time keeping things rather simple. Why,

In the cover arc system only as soon as the target enters

the zone (and can be seen) it is fired upon. There isn't

a way to let the target come deeper into the firing

zone before letting 'im have it. This can be an

issue because if your gunner fires at the first target

to enter the zone, chances are it might not fire at

the targets just outside of the zone (after it

eliminates the first target) this can be bad if those

other targets start firing at you. On the other hand

the ambush marker may be too unrestricted as to when

your gunner opens up. Lets say you could place an

ambush marker within a covered arc. Now the target

walks into the zone (as well as some of his other

comrades). When a target trips the ambush marker,

it's fired upon and your gunner having finished with

that now fires on the rest of the other unlucky

saps (ideally caught out in the open)...what do you think?

I also noticed the targetting behaviour of AFV's vs.

other AFVs, it kinda has a bit of the Age of Empires/

Warcraft/Starcraft behaviour where everyone

targets the exact same target...so lets say you

have 10 tanks and three enemy tanks pop up. All

your tanks will fire first at the most threatening

enemy (assume they can see all of them) - ten

shells hitting the same tank...and knocking it

out immediately perhaps a major overkill. (e.g.

10 King tigers run into 3 IS-IIs and pop 10

shells at one of them causing 6 or so killing


What this allows is the other enemy tanks to get a few

shots off. I can imagine mid-turn in real life

if you had a company of tanks and several enemy

tanks popped up, the company commander or

some standard procedure would distribute sufficient

fire among the enemy tanks to knock out the most

amount of enemy vehicles or surpress the most amount

of enemy units at once (i.e. avoid the overkill).

I assume though that such an algorithm might be

hard to implement into the game or might be too

computationally costly?

Can somebody also direct me to the translations for

all the voice sound effects in CMBB.


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