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Horizon: same distance in BB and BO?

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SaTyR, I may be mistaken, but I don't think that's what Louie is talking about.

Louie, if I understand you correctly, I had the same problem when I started using BB, but it went away when I started using a higher resolution on my monitor. Unless you have a particularly compelling reason not to use a higher rez, you might give it a try.


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Hmm. That's the same setting that I have. What size monitor do you have? Mine's 17".

Here is something to test: If you use Shift-A to up-angle the camera, can you see out to the horizon then? That would happen for me when I was set at 800X600, but of course it is a hassle to have to do that every time you change views. That's why I was pleased to find that increasing the rez on my set did away with the problem.

Louie, I hope we can work something out here. I know how annoying the problem you describe here can be.


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Just to be sure what we are talking about:


Map is very long and very wide

At levels 1,2,3,4 My monitor does not show the full distance my units can see. So when I use the LOS tool it will stretch into the distance, past what can be seen by the monitor UNLESS I scroll forward. So if I target an enemy unit and move up and select it, then turn around to look back at my unit, it has disappeared (below the horizon).

Level 7 or 8 works ok for seeing the full distance but then you have a tiny board game.

The downside of all of this is that in a turn, I can't see, using levels 1,2,3,4, what I should be able to see. So then I must switch to level 7 or 8 or scroll back and forth to find out who my units are shooting at or who is shooting at them.

I will try your view up 'A' suggestion.

"Hand me the binoculars".. Toad

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Originally posted by Louie the Toad:

Just to be sure what we are talking about:


Map is very long and very wide

At levels 1,2,3,4 My monitor does not show the full distance my units can see. So when I use the LOS tool it will stretch into the distance, past what can be seen by the monitor UNLESS I scroll forward.

That's what I thought you meant. I'm still puzzled why this is happening at the rez you mention. What size is your monitor?


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I tried the shift A . Sighting was no further.

Monitor is 11" across.

I also observed this: At level 3, selected my unit. Ran los to enemy position while looking backward at my position. My unit and terrain disappeard as if going below a horizon in the real world.

In the game, looking back along the los line, although I could not see my unit, the los now appeared to come from that part of the screen that has the ambient horizon in the distance. Also I could see my movement order word 'hunt' hanging in the air in the place where the end of the los tool disappeared in the distance.

The game has high hills, but I think that would help in seeing further, not hinder.

By the way, I appreciate you interest in my problem.

Nearsighted.... Toad

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