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Scenarios for playtesting -- take a look

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Hello all --

I have a few scenarios at TPG that could use a good run through before I consider them "finished." Cross-posted to CMBB and CMAK. List and links:

Assault on Fort Stalin

CMBB. Semi-historical. Small map and # of units. This action takes place in December 1941 during fighting on the outer perimeter of the Sevastopol defensive rings. Fort Stalin, and several other large forts, take a toll on German forces with its large caliber guns. In this situation, a force of Pioneers and Infantry are working their way through the ravines and slopes with the goal of securing the exterior of the fort. Weather conditions blind direct artillery spotting so you will need an artillery plan prior to starting the battle. Plays only as German vs. AI.

Bridges at Kalorama Heights

CMAK. Scale recreation of portion of Washington, DC. Larger map (2k by 2k) and “medium” number of units (used pricey units like Tigers so the total force pool points added up quickly). German armored spearhead must rush to secure three major bridges over the Rock Creek valley in order to neutralize this natural defensive barrier. Random reinforcements (mostly affecting the US side). Best played as two player. Second best as German vs. AI.

Road Rally (H2H)

CMAK. Evenly match German and US forces compete for 10 flags on small map. Terrain is hilly and urban. Small number of units at about 2,000 points a piece. Encounters will be quick and sharp. Only works as two player.

Road Rally (AI)

CMAK. Same as above but with a completely different set up for playing against the AI. Play either side.

Charge of the Light Brigade

CMBB. Semi-historical farce. Recreation of the British cavalry charge into the Valley of Death during the Crimean war of the 1850s. Map and AI set up historical (more or less). British cavalry is replaced by German light tanks and supporting panzertruppen. You will need a plan of attack or your charge will end the same way as the British attack. I used mostly cannons instead of AT guns (gives you that big “boom” sound). Only 14 turns and plays fast. Based partially on episode of “Battlefield Detectives.” Plays as German vs. AI only.

Pickett's Human Wave

CMBB. Semi-historical farce. Topographically scale recreation of Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War, 1863. I made this one solely for the name… and as an exercise in crossing open ground. Intended to be played as the Russians who take the role of the Confederate troops. Will your infantry be able to take Cemetery Ridge? Plays best as Russians vs. AI. Can play fast as you move toward German lines then in gets tough.

Heights -- To the Top!

CMAK. This one received a couple of partial playtests and did well. But I have not received a report of someone making it to the top. (I’ve done it, so I know it is not impossible). Well-supplied American force backed up with plenty of artillery is standing ready to knock the Germans out of this hilly city. Terrain favors the defender who has fortified the city. Who will be king of the hill? This is one of three unrelated battles based on the “Heights” map.

Playtesting? There isn’t much to it. Just play the scenario as you normally would. Report back with comments on glitches, terrain, force balance, winnability. Also, ideally, provide an AAR (after action report) on your strategy for approaching the fight. I playtest all of my scenarios through at least once myself to make sure they are winnable. But since I’m the designer I need to know if the scenario is winnable to someone else. (A win is not guaranteed – what fun would that be? But just as long as a win is feasible).

My scenarios are not "half finished." At this stage I consider them 98% done but can make small tweaks based on feedback to make them better. You should get a real game from start to finish. (hopefully ;) )

The Proving Grounds web site has a discussion area for each individual scenario posted there. This is the best place for posting playtest feedback. You can also email the designer directly. Your comments can be short or as detailed as you wish. Speaking for all scenario designers, any feedback is helpful and welcomed.

Thanks for the help and I hope the scenarios are fun and challenging. smile.gif

Bannon DC

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Bad Harvest at Stubienka

CMBB. Semi-historical. This is an an early-war infantry battle. June 1941 - Germans are advancing across the vastness of the Ukraine. Difficult open terrain fighting. Russian line is anchored on a small hill barely 10m high which offers superior spotting.

UPDATED -- version 1.1 uploaded. Thanks for comments, Simovitch. smile.gif

This is in beta -- ^additional comments appreciated.

[ August 30, 2005, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: Bannon DC ]

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Bumping --

Still looking for a few playtests.

If you are looking for something light-hearted and plays fast -- give "Charge of the Light Brigade" a run. It is not meant to be anything more than fun and it is winnable. Not just a turkey shoot.

If anyone is playing "Bridges at Kalorama Heights" solo or 2 player... please give me an update. I'm testing this one against an opponent playing as the Americans and making changes as I go. Additional input helpful. (email me or use the scenario discussion thread at TPG).

Roll on. :cool:

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