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CMMOS "TProgressBar" Error!

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I get the following error message when trying to apply SOME of the mods I have installed into version 4.03. "TProgressBar Property out of Range". Once I get this error message the CMMOS Manager has to be closed and restarted to apply any further mods. Any help on how to correct this appreciated!

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Originally posted by daloon:

I get the following error message when trying to apply SOME of the mods I have installed into version 4.03. "TProgressBar Property out of Range". Once I get this error message the CMMOS Manager has to be closed and restarted to apply any further mods. Any help on how to correct this appreciated!

When testing some conversions, I ran into the same problem. I am not sure if a rulefile is referring to a missing or incorrect file (BMP or filelist), you would have to check the CMMOSLog.txt file (the last line should tell you if there is an error).

If there is no error listed, it must be a program bug (sorry Gordon, you have done a tremendous job). If this is the case, all I can suggest is what you already figured out. Close it down and restart. That tended to work for me.

If my memory serves, both situations occured for me. In the first case, I was able to correct the rule file. And in the second, it just worked the second time I tried after restarting.

Sorry I could not be more help.


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I will need to know which vehicles are affected by this.

I created and tested some 37 vehicle mods and tested them over two nights. I thought I had found all bugs. But maybe I screwed up. Let me know which vehicles are failing and I will address that. I did make a mistake on the Gautrek's dusty truck and will fix that tonight. I can easily fix the others.

Usually this is due to calling up the wrong text file. The mod works by having a txt file for each vehicle, infantry, gun, etc in the game. The mod must know which txt file to address for bmp record keeping purposes. I might have picked a German tank with grey early which I need the same German tank in yellow late.


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