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My absolute FINAL mod request...er...well...

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...you see, I just mean for CMBB. redface.gif Now that I have FINALLY gotten CMMOS to work I am in absolute heaven. I THINK I now have everything. However, there is one tank that is driving me crazy! It is the Pzkw 38(t)E and G WINTER TANK!!! I have tried everything and searched everywhere but this one bugger keeps showing up looking like a seagull! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: It has the white turret on a grey chassis! :rolleyes: It seems that the chassis for the two earlier models have been modded but not the chassis for the later two models. Does anyone have this pesky tank modded in winter white? If so, can you please zip me a copy? Or, if not, hey DEY, Aristoteles, MikeyD, junk2drive...HELP! Let me die in peace, knowing I have crossed the Rubicon of modding.

Yeah, I know, a bit overdramatic. :(

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Something like this ?


When the Pz38t 3D model was changed in one of the patches, the existing mods became obsolete. Thus I edited my installed mods so that they fit the new model. IIRC, I have also uploaded this fix shortly thereafter but the file was lost in the great CMMODS HDD crash :(

Currently I cannot upload it at CMMODS as I still have to look up who did the original artwork for the mod. Without proper credit no uploading, sorry

If you want to have it, please send me a mail.


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"If you want to have it, please send me a mail.


Marcus! Thanks for the response and offer. Absolutely I would love to get this via email. I just sent you an email requesting this.

The great CMMODS crash of '03, ouch! I just wish I was more of an accomplished modslut back then, I would have downloaded everything AND backed up the copies. Alas, we soldier on. Makes me wonder how many great CMBO mods in addition to CMBB mods were lost forever.

From what I have gleaned from scouring the database, CMMOS and even CMHQ some pieces just aren't to be found. Another "ghost mod" is the sIG 33 (I know, I know, I said LAST mod request). What puzzles me is that it uses Stug bmps, but despite my having all of the Stugs modded in winter white it still shows in camo. Anyone know why? What bmps does THIS SPG have?

Thanks again Marcus!

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Originally posted by tooz:

Another "ghost mod" is the sIG 33 (I know, I know, I said LAST mod request). What puzzles me is that it uses Stug bmps, but despite my having all of the Stugs modded in winter white it still shows in camo. Anyone know why? What bmps does THIS SPG have?

Thanks again Marcus!

tooz, it shares the textures with the StuH42 (early).

You can download my BMP list from here (as well as some other stuff):

BoB Tables & Charts


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Marcus, thanks again for the zip and the info. I just went back to CMMODS and found the sIG33/StuH42 (early) mod that DEY made--and I must of missed. redface.gif

I also was amazed by your website--great stuff! I have more PBEM opponents than Mrs Tooz will allow, but regardless, I am going to "join up". Thanks again!

"Give me mods, or give me...er,...Squad Assault?" :D

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Marcus, thanks for the help. I have the Czech tank, and FINALLY found the needed sIG33 mods! However, some "missing mods" still appear.

I did download CMMOS Russian winter guns. On the picture they have the 76AA, 85AA, 76.2 mountain gun and the 25AA, but alas, they are NOT included in the set. :( :confused: That set only contained the 45 ATGs, 57 ZIS-3, 76.2 M43, 76.2 ZIS-2 and the 76.2 M27_39. The other four guns do NOT appear in the zip. Thinking that I did something wrong (ALWAYS a possibility) I redownloaded the set. Same result.

The Germans do NOT have these following units modded in WW:

SPW 250/11 GRAU. The listing at CMMODS is WRONG! That SPW is yellow (gelb).

MkIIIM gelb (grau IS available)

Brummbar (late), early and mid ARE available.

Sdkfz 7 gelb (grau IS available)

20mm Heavy ATG (the little tyke is NOT available in either grau or gelb).

105 Rccl gelb (75rccl gelb IS available)

88ATG gelb. This one's absence is a bit perplexing. :confused:

So that's eleven mods that are missing (to the best of my knowledge).

...but I cannot make another request, right? I did promise...sort of...

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Tooz those guns actually use the german dunkelgrau bmps, meaning the bmps are shared and based on similar german variants.

The Mountain gun uses the german grau infantry gun bmps.

The 85mm and 76mm AA gun uses the german grau 88mm AA gun bmps.

The 25mm AA gun uses the german 20 mm AA gun bmps.

The same for the 37mm AA gun.

As far as the missing german stuff, as far as I know there isn't a winter version of that 20 mm ATG anywhere. And the late brummbar, this is a real bitch to try and whitewash, but that doesn't mean that there will never be a WW version someday.

If you downloaded gordens cmmos gelb stuff there should have been a WW version of all the 88ATG plus the 105rcl and also the mark3m.

Also note that in cmbb those numbers in the hundred thousand range include a mixture of early, mid and late war stuff in dunkelgelb base coat, it's not just late war stuff.

(copied and pasted from reply made at TPG)

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DEY, thanks for the info. I figured this was the reason. I downloaded everything--and I mean everything! Still, these things just will not show up from winter 43 on. I have these German guns in grau, modded white, but these will not appear in the Russian OB.
I just did a quick test to refersh my memory, I took a fresh bmp folder and I reworked the bmp numbers from gordens WW german grau cmmos gun pack into non-cmmos form, then copied the renamed bmps into the new bmp folder, all those guns are there in a whitewash for the germans in dunkelgrau and for the soviet variants for the entire war.

The bmps for those guns are shared so they use the very same number set for both, so if those guns are showing up as say, whitewashed for one side then they have to show up for the other side also. Because it's the very same gun, using the very same bmp number set.

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It could be something in the rulesets, but if the guns share bmps they have to look the same. IOW you cant have the same bmp look different.
There is two seasonal looks for those shared bmp sets and for some reason one side can show both seasons while the other keeps getting defaulted to just the same seasonal look all the time, which in this case is always summer.

As stated above I installed everything in non mod manager form and all is right. The only difference I know of between Tooz and my setup, is the cmmos mod manager.

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DEY--I must be doing something wrong then and don't have the time to search and find what I did wrong. Even with switching off CMMOS these four buggers refuse to appear in winter white. It doesn't make sense to me at all why I can't get these guns to appear in white. The Germans work (as stated before), but these guys--Noooooooooooooooooo!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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This is a screen shot of those guns after I install gordens german grey guns in non-cmmos form into a fresh bmp folder.

So you need to track down why the game engine won't load the soviet winter version of those guns.

I don't know what else to tell ya.

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PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Turns out I DO have these four guns in ww. How? Well it seems that when the computer shares bmps, it cannot share the same bmps by two opposing forces? Yep, true. What I did originally was to make a faux battle, and just lined up those units I wanted to check for winter white. The German guns came up ww, the Russian guns sharing those same bmps DID NOT! They appeared in grey. Intersting. Once I redid another mod check/battle using only the four Russian guns, there they are, modded in white. So, should you have a game where both sides share bmps, sometimes the mods will not show for BOTH SIDES. Interesting, but thankfully this situation should not arise in a game.

Thanks again for all of the feedback--especially Marcus, Dey, and the "main man of mod knowhow" Junk2Drive!

Now I can die in peace, my Russians are completed. :D

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Well it seems that when the computer shares bmps, it cannot share the same bmps by two opposing forces
I'm sorry Tooz but that doesn't happen, I've been playing and making battles and modding this game for over a year now and never once, have I ever seen that happen. It's not really so much of sharing the same bmps, then the fact being that the game engine uses the same guns for both sides.

Do you actually have the bmps installed in the bmp folder, or are you using cmmos to manage the bmp visuals. From what I understand is that the newer versions of cmmos don't actually put anything in the bmp folder, at any point in time. And this could explain that strange behaviour, that boths sides conflicting with loading the winter look at the same time.

I would suggest you rework that cmmos gun pack to non-cmmos form and drop those renamed bmps into the BMP folder, that should fix the problem, once and for all.

EDIT: How did Daffy make his screenie?
I'm not sure what your asking J2D.
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I have solved this mystery !!

The Russian AA guns are textured with the grey German AA gun BMPs, regardless of date.

Thus when you're setting up a battle after Feb 43, you will have yellow BMPs for the German and grey BMPs for the Russian AA guns. Samer goes for the winter textures.

tooz obviously had winter textures only for the yellow AA guns. Thus he had winterized German and non-winterized Russian guns ;)

That's all.


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