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Retrieving Troops from Enemy Shores


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How do you re-embark troops that have landed on a hostile country. For Example, I tried to invade Norway early in the war and decided to give up on that venture and pull my troops out. Because I did not hold a port I could not get my two American Corps out of there and had to leave them in Norway for the duration. Is there anyway I could have got them out (the same applies for raids in North Africa or the Baltics).

Speaking of Norway is there anyway to successfully invade it? Is there any point in attempting?



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Sadly, without a port you cannot embark troops into transports, I wish this was overcome somehow but You can obviously see how this is realistic. The only way you would be able to get them out is to get a port, or Operate them out, however unless you have Sweden under your control, there is no where you can go.

Norway can be invaded sucessfully easily, but you have to understand how the game works.

Did you land an HQ with your troops? If not, Your troops will have no way of getting Supply without having captured a port and/or city in that area. With no supply, you will notice your troops are basicly useless. HQ's provide battlefield supply depots basicly which allows your troops to fight in Forgien area, without the aid of a freindly city. Without HQs, Invasion such as into Norway, Or North Africa, Are basicly impossible. Always keep an Eye on your troops Supply Level and keep it as high as possible. If you start using HQ's to support your invasion you will find thing's go smoother and easier. Norway is worth invading in some cases and some not, it all depends on your overall strat. for the game. It is a good way to start reducing Axis MPPs so thier war machine will begin to grind to a halt, and add to your own. However, this obviously will cost you MPPs in terms of the troops and reenforcements used in the attack. Also, If your tied up invading somewhere, you may find it much harder to get the resources to attack or defend in other area's of the map.

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without a port you cannot embark troops into transports
Since troops don't swim ashore or crash-land with disposable transports, it's reasonable to assume an evacuation process is possible. This would be good for SC2. Since troop landings are subject to random landing losses, one option would be to permit transport from any coastal hex at some increased transport cost plus unit losses (equipment left behind). Another option would be to require at least a fleet adjacent to the coast to serve as the "harbor" for transports, with the increased cost and evacuation losses. There should be a way to salvage your units from a failed invasion attempt.
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one option would be to permit transport from any coastal hex at some increased transport cost plus unit losses (equipment left behind).

Another option would be to require at least a fleet adjacent to the coast to serve as the "harbor" for transports, with the increased cost and evacuation losses.

There should be a way to salvage your units from a failed invasion attempt.

Lets take the "fleet" option, one step further. Allow a HQ to unload ("float") in a sea hex next to a coastal hex. Then treat the HQ as if it was on land. If the unit is in supply (or could go with just being next to the HQ) then the HQ can act as the "harbor" for transports.

This also satisfies the need for a "mulberry" or artificial harbor.

Floating HQ would be a representation of the amphib shipping necessary.

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When I wrote my original reply, I was thinking something along the lines of the Unit needing to be or automaticly reduced to 5 str. I agree with your Idea about the mulbury harbor's using HQ's.

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