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How about introducing the ability to 'bribe' or 'threaten' neutrals - (a) spending MMPs to bring them on to your side OR to keep out of it?

or (B) despatching a few units to persuade someone to come over to your side?

...or some combination of diplomacy and force, which is how international relations tends to work in the real world...?

How about allowing combatants to sue for peace - this would allow (for example) a losing country to

come away with some VPs. As it stands, the end-game tends to involve silly dashes around the map picking-off all sorts of unlikely rogue units who seem to fight on indefinitely. In reality, when Germany did surrender, large parts of Europe were still occupied - the Channel Islands, Norway etc.

Maybe these are things that could be considered for version 2?

Great game though - spent all weekend on it.

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