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Revised Scenarios


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I've been revising several of the scenarios available at Otto's. Some revisions are based upon feedback from fellow players, and some are based on an increased knowledge of the game mechanics which led to changes I felt needed to be made.

The Scenarios involved are:

1) 1939 Brest-Litovsk Aftermath still being revised.

2) 1939 Fall Weiss Adaptation Revised in V1.5 version.

-- Basically Hubert's Fall Weiss but with adjustments to make both the LC Gambit (Allies) and early Danish/LC Invasions (Axis) harder to execute.

-- Tech Levels adjusted slightly to give UK and Germany L=1 Jet Tech at start, reflecting their superior aircraft at the beginning of the war.

Same is done regarding AA and GunLaying Radar, reflecting their clear superiority in this area as well.

-- USSR readiness at 0% but 1500 MPPs added to make it less vulnerable when invaded. Italy given 300 MPPs for the same reason. The net result should be more slack for Axis invasions while allowing Russia to enter strong in 1942.

-- Unassigned Tech chits added: UK=3, Germany=3, France=2, Italy=1

3) 1939 (42) Z-Plan

Completely revised taking into account the excellent suggestions made by players in the current Z-Plan Tournament.

-- No Minor Nations Activated.

-- German Tech advantage Reduced.

-- Italy made less powerful.

-- USSR has 2000 MPPs as safeguard against early collapse (still 0% war entry).

I've tried to retain the original spirit of the scenario while improving the game balance.


The download versions at Otto's probably won't be updated till October. Those interested in the revised Scenarios are invited to write me at johnofjersey@AOL.com and I'll gladly send them.

Input, comments and any questions are are always welcome.

[ August 30, 2003, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Have already downloaded your Z-Plan update, and am looking forward to trying it out.

Will provide some feedback before I go on extended vacation.

Thanks for taking the time to make this available for those of us who can't wait until Otto sets it up on his great site. smile.gif

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JerseyJohn ,

Having a lot of fun with your Fall Weiss campaign!

It's october 1940 in my game as Axis now.Poland,Denmark,LC,France,Norway and Sweden all have fallen.In in the Med theatre axis are pushing Allies towards Suez.

You added a lot of units to the game,which garantuees a lot of action in the first part of the campaign.Allied air is really strong!Especially their carriers,they're killing me!I like it.

Germany has to struggle a bit to keep up especially with the lend-lease flow of MPP's to Britain.You really spiced it up (for me anyways)

One thing seems a bit off though,since USSR starts at 0%,Germany has A LOT of time to prepare for Barbarossa.This is somewhat compensated by the murderous bombing missions in the west and the fact they'll receive 2000 MPP's when they enter,I know.

Anyway,I'll continue and let you know.

Thanks again for renewing my interset in AI-play! smile.gif

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Well,it's may 1942 in my game now.


And things aren't going smoothly.The Allied powers have invaded France in FULL force.Never seen this before.Here's a summary of what they have pointed towards the european mainland:


7 battleships,3 cruisers,2 carriers,1 army ashore,1 corps ashore,1 army off the coast,1 corps off the coast.


1 battleship,5 armies ashore,1 army off the coast.

also one Free French cruiser,and 7 allied airfleets (L3) are pointing my way!

In Russia things aren't soo bright either.Their defences were much thougher with the extra MPP and the added tech levels.Riga has just fallen and Odessa is surrounded.On all other fronts advance is going slowly.

The med has fallen in to Axis hands,including Iraq.Spain is on the brinck of surrender.

All in all I find this a very challenging campaign,at least for me!The Allies put up a damn good fight.

One small remark-with the added naval units for Germany the Russian northern front (Riga,Leningrad) becomes alot more vulnerable.German carriers can easily participate in the bombing of cities,so can their battleships.

Oh,I played on expert with no computer bonus.

So far I find this a very good campaign,can't wait to play it against a human opponent.

to be continued...

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Thanks and appreciated.

I've been finding that the AI plays a better game when it has a lot of units and MPPs to work with, otherwise it becomes very defensive.

I'm starting to wonder now about the expanded German fleet, you're right, it does make the Russians very vulnerable in the Baltic and the two German carriers main task becomes air strikes against land targets.

The weird thing is I'm beginning now to wonder if Germany could really have had any sort of credible carrier program. The Kriegsaarine had nothing set up to train aviators and would have need to figure everything out as they went along! But for game purposes it does add a different dimension.

This a link to a General Forum Thread where Michael Emrys, Soddball, HVAC and myself have been discussing this very subject. It seems Hitler, by launching those carriers in 1938, was allowing no time at all for development of a naval air operational doctine!

Click Here for Discussion of German Aircraft Carriers

Hope you'll find the link useful and enjoyable, the entire Thread, going back to the first page is pretty interesting, it started out with the Invasion of Poland, some unlikely variants, then went over to the Zeppelin and Strasser!

As soon as I get some real life things things sorted out and am caught up in my existing games I'll be glad to have a game with you using this scenario. I've got to admit, at one point I considered scrapping it and asking Otto to pull it from his downloads, but your interest and enthusiasm has changed my view of it. smile.gif

[ September 03, 2003, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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