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HQ Unit Nationality Control.


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Are HQs able to perform their functions -- supply, readiness etc. over nearby allied units?

From what I've seen they only work with units of their own specific country. I'd like to change the rule regarding this so that:

First, HQs affect ground and air units of their own country and any nearby units that are allied to their country, including ALL allied minor countries, such as Hungary, and Romania, etc.,.

Second that the owning player is allowed to assign units within five hexes to a specific HQ. If the player does not choose to assign units the computer will do it for him, as is done presently. If assigned units end a turn more than five units from their HQ the computer automatically reassigns them and automatically assigns a replacement unit to the affected HQ. This will keep the whole thing simple for those who do not wish to have further complications: the computer does whatever the player chooses not to do himself.

Third If my suggestion in a related thread on the creation of minor nation HQs is accepted, their HQs also be allowed to control nearby units of other nations which they are allied with.

Link to related threat Minor Country HQ Units

[ March 13, 2003, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Yes. Think of poor supreme Allied commander Eisenhower who can't control the British in SC. Or the uncommanded Italians in Rommel's Afrika Korps (assuming that one would want to use a German HQ in for that role in this game).

I think most of us like SC without extra complexity, but it's a shame the computer won't even assign allied forces to the HQ when there's not even enough of its own country's units within command range.

Re: the speed of HQ units from the other thread - I agree with that as well. It's irritating to see them creeping along at two hexes per turn and not keeping pace with your offensive without a costly operation move, and that's assuming there's a captured city close enough to make the op move worthwhile. I'm just wondering what was the rationale for making them so slow ? Certainly your commanders are zipping around in jeeps, kubelwagons or specially equipped tracked vehicles ?! Was it to simulate large supply trains / depots as part of the HQ or something of that nature ?

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Well, you see British would not lead Americans. It's just not going to happen. However!!! There may be a few variations. I do believe the Germans may lead an italian corps. Though it would give them a particular edge...

Perhaps small supply bonus for the HQ-Allied Presence...Would be in order

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I would prefer the option of natoin bound HQs. Just imagine General Kesselrin giving orders to Hungarian and Romanian Corps without speaking these languages.

It would be nice if HQs could provide supply, but not influence readiness. That even reflects the weaker performance of the Minor Axis allied states.

Concerning the Allies: The competition between the different nations was immense. British troops would have never succumbed to US leadership.

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