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Anyone ever play Fall Weiss Revisisted?


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I just lost in PBEM match as Axis in that campaign. I lost even before Russia joined!

The main factor in my case was all those AirCraft Carriers, even though they start with only a little strentgh, they can easily stay out of Axis air and the UK Navy is so huge you can forget about sending the German Navy against it, so they just pound to oblivion whatever it can, by then they have higher STR and start to kill your AIR if you go for them (like 6-7 AC ).

As well, forget about getting the MED, you can almost fill every hex of the MED with Allied navy :eek: it also means UK can easily go for Iraq and the two Italian cities in Africa.

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I played that one against the ai and also found that the Allied air was a bit overstrenght.

But then that's the way with custom campaigns,you got to get to know the map and units first.And if you start out aganst a human opponent you could very well end up losing the game the first couple of times.

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Who created the campaign?

I have one by a similar name, 1939 Fall Weiss Adaptation. I don't think it's the one you're discussing, but if it is I'd appreciate the details as it sounds in need of revision. I was about to send the revised version to Otto's -- replacing the original. If it is my campaign you might have played an earlier version.

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I'm playing the one by Narayan Sengupta.

He tried to make it as historical as possible. Meaning the actual OOB.

But I think he did not find all the info on UK.

UK starts with 12! ACC, yes some are understrength but if you can't get at them they pound whatever they can and if you do send a plane, the player can kill it by simply attacking it with its properly strentgh ACC. What this does is cost you so much MPP in planes that you just can't get anything going, if you ignore it, then the MED is his to take all the Italian cities and Iraq.

Basically it just becomes a massacre, heh.

France starts with 2. That is not even counting the Aircrafts.

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This goes back to an old Thread that I think Shaka started trying to find what historical units would actually be represented by an historical SC piece. It's a knotty problem because fleets, for example, would need to cover lone surface raiders like the Graf Spee as well as task forces.

I don't believe SC aircraft carrier units are meant to represent a single vessel. Two or three aircraft carriers working together, i.e., the same unit, might pack a punch comparable to an SC aircraft carrier.

All in all, I've come to feel that any attempt at representing the actual units in this system is basically doomed to failure. I see it all as abstract. I think the game might even be better with exactly half the naval units represented in the opening OOBs. My reasoning is naval units are disproportionally powerful and the Atlantic is too small, so fewer would be better.

Twelve aircraft carriers, even at partial stregnth, seems very excessive and game warping.

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Ditto what JerseyJohn said about the naval units. Trying to represent the actual OOB for naval units doesn't work. Whats more important in the naval units is that the relative strengths between the Axis and Allies is represented.

While I have used actual OOB's for the '39 HistResp Campaign, again, you have to be careful in interpetation. Its not something you can casually do, since to be accurate you have to cross check the OOB's against the divisions, as well as understand what all the different divisions types of each nation represent. And then you have to do cross checking against total strength since not all divisions are full strength. Not something to undertake lightly.

And it really helps if you can read German, Italian or Russian, or find books that were written by knowledgable people who had/have access to source documents.

Then, you'll find that the "experts" don't agree.

[ October 20, 2003, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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I toyed with the idea of halving the UK, German and French navies in the 1939 scenario, but of course that doesn't work because Italy, USA and USSR would still enter with their full fleets.

If we could reset the neutral values and reduce the fleets accordingly, everyone at 50% the present number of naval units, I'm fairly sure the game would play better.

"Then, you'll find that the 'experts' don't agree."

Well said and a universal truth.

[ October 21, 2003, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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