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RYDER CUP PBEM Kurt88 & Disorder


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as the cruel nazis halt at the lc border for a breather, they spend several early spring nites entrenching outside looking up at the stars. the nites are so clear and calm that the early evening meteor showers are a nightly entertaining routine.

as days pass, common items are "traded" between the enemy sentries.one brave french colonial soldier brings british canned goods to a german camp to exchange for chocolates. both camps are happy!

"agreements" are made by the snipers to fire warning shots instead of killing blows.

it is decided, that the common french soldier and the common german soldier really, do not disagree on many things......... :eek:

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The German Army opens the offensive in France in earnest.Hitler,finally recovered from his acute diarhea,sends his crack divisions smashing into the French lines.


Aided by an overwhelming display of airpower by the Luftwaffe, two German armies easily destroy an entrenched French Army next to the Maginot line.

Goring gets permission to go buy an evenmore decorated uniform.


The Italian front stays inactive.

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mid-summer 1940

troops are made and unmade...shuffled and re-shuffled....CUT TO--



(M)"Tell me what you have found out, James."


(BOND) "His code name is Kurt88. Real name is Van Looy. Apparently not a native German. Joined the party in ''33.Lives with a young woman named....Ah....what is her name....(shuffling notes). I can see her in my minds eye...She is 5'8" Light brown hair, fair complexion. Shes an athlete. She was at the ''36 olympics in several track events.Thats where I had a drink with her after the races..."

(M) "We're not here to delve into your personal shenanigans Mr. Bond! Get to the point. Will she aid the Allies? Will she show us Van Looy's WEAK spots in his strategy?"

(BOND) "Definitely, M.....She has already had secret communications with the OSS and has shown us some of the more "Prevalent" problems in his "Game". All we have to do now is sit back and wait for Van Looy to fall into our trap."

(M) "Make sure she is properly compensated, would you, James?"

(BOND) ;)

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MAy 26,1940

von Rundstedt : 'Mein Fuhrer,I'm glad to report that our best divisions have forced another gap into the French line.Two French Armies have been destroyed by combined air and land attacks! Our victorious armies are just two hexes away from Paris!'

Hitler : 'Yes,yes,get it over with already there with those Françoser! Look Gert what Eva bought me!'


Hitler : 'You know,Gert,being on the toilet for 4 hours a day ,gave me alot of time to plan my next move! Once the eiffeltower has been redecorated,we'll send your divisions east! Stalin forgot all about my birthday,no present,no congratulations,nothing! Luckily Eva remembered.And we did even give him his piece of Poland! It's about time we taught him a lesson.Goebbels already supports the plan,he even gave me this for my birthday.'


von Rundstedt : 'Jawhol,mein Fuhrer,but then we'd better wake up those damn Italians,they failed to take Malta,they ran away from one RAF unit.And their French front is still inactive!'

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kurt88-VERY nice anti-bolshevik poster....are you up for a translation? you dont see spiders like that everyday!

VIN SCULLY says:"John, what was the strangest SC move you ever saw?"


well VIN it was during the ryder cup. disorder was apparently unable to sit through the same old attrition thing with france, and suddenly WHAMMO he goes crazy. heres the run-down:

in kurt88's turn replay, disorder saw that an army (probably the 3rd) was moved out of cologne and then cologne was occupied by XIX panzer.

disorder then moved a corp over to attack the unentrenched panzers. the corps did the panzers no damage.

VIN SAYS--"but he didnt stop there, did he?"


thats right VIN, he didnt stop with the small foray. HE KEPT GOING! the 1st canadian moved to between cologne and prague. followed by others they reformed a defensive line stretcing from west of paris, to 3 hexes west of prague!

now disorder says his theory here is to isolate (and possibally capture)munich, advance eastward, and cause chaos (in that order). what do you think VIN?


WEEELLLLLLLL, thats a tough one...we'll have to see how it plays out in the 2nd half. although the nazi agressors strs. are DOWN in france (mostly 60-70%). will they go for the gusto and try and hit the paris area?(i hear it is fully entrenched). will they split their forces, and try and deal with both problems? will they move everything eastward to slow or destroy the force bent on reaching prague? and what about that line of carriers stretching sw from antwerp? how do they play into the game plan? and what about the rumors of additional air fleets for the allies?

one thing for certain....ITS GOING TO BE A HUM-DINGER!

[ August 26, 2003, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: disorder ]

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....are you up for a translation?
I think it says :Big anti-bolshevik show (?) in Karlsruhe.

June 16 1940,

Berlin, Hitler's chambers, way past his bedtime-

Ooooh EVA!!!!......

You're right,this phony allied counterattack is destined to fail!What were they thinking going into Germany without proper backup or supply!It's all coming back to me now...the plan.

next morning's staff meeting-

Hitler : 'Gert,I made up my mind.You'll continue as planned with the Norwegian invasion...and counter attack in the west.

German elite bicycle corps advancing to Oslo


evening's staff meeting

von Rundstedt : 'Mein Fuhrer,the day has been long and bloody but we are glad to report that the invasion of Norway went according to plan.The Oslo corps has been completely destroyed.

In the west we achieved great victories as wel.With the aid of the Luftwaffe German units have destroyed a French corps west of the Maginot line and captured the mine there.A British corps south of Munich that was invading our heimat was brought down to a thenth of its strenght.

Also German SS city patrol units report that no German city is in danger.'

Hitler after hearing von Rundstedts report


Italian Front still inactive.

[ August 26, 2003, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

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june 23,1940 russia @48%

oslo left empty. Bergen corps moved dbl. quick to occupy Oslo. hood advanced toward captured port, and surprised by gniesenau. courageous and a BB advanced to confront damaged gniesenau. constant air sorties are ignored.

narrow path of hexes along channel in northern france is left unoccupied by attacking nazis, probably due to BB's offshore. French 1st mech. Corp uses this corridor to attack rundsted HQ from rear(down to 80%).

in western germany, the 1st Canadians turn northward and are surprised to find themselves directly between 4 luftflottes! the 2 identified ones are 1st and a new unnamed air unit.this makes 5 known nazi air units. 1st canadians dig in. :cool: nothing between the canadians and the rest of our eastern battle group, and berlin but 3 empty hexes!

[ August 26, 2003, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: disorder ]

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June 30,1940

In France all three Maginot hexes are destroyed,a French Army next to the most southern M-hex was destroyed.An invading Canadian and British corps were destroyed north of Munich.All Allied forces in Germany are cut off and at low strenght.

Italian corps attacks along the channel doing minor damage to a French corps.

German troops two hexes from Paris are reinforced.

So far the good news...

Off the coast of Norway an English cruiser has been destroyed,also a sub pack reduced an British battleship to half it's strenght.

German forces in Norway seem lost,no supply and no help can be expected to come soon.

Royal Navy advancing to the Baltic,they seem unstoppable.

Diarrhea creeps back inside the Fuhrerbunker


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july 14, 1940

kurt88 said--

An invading Canadian and British corps were destroyed north of Munich.
rumors of the 1st canadians demise were just that.rumors!. though heavily damaged, they were still entrenched and almost encircled by 4 (yes 4) luftflottes, when the 2nd french mech passed within radio range, and set up a link-up just west of berlin. both are now adjacent to the VIII german corps, the lone defender of berlin.

3rd colonial (shock) troops is in a bad way now. they pass quickly by munich on their way EAST!

u-47 brought to 10% str. by THE 3 R'S (rodney, resolution, and richelieu)

the satanic twins scharnhorst and Gneisnau block british access eastward to oslo.british land to reinforce norway.

on the french/italian border, the 2nd paris has darted past torino toward rome, and left an opening in the defenses for enemy troops.

pretty much your normal, everyday sc turn. :rolleyes:

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More units destroyed in Germany,only French corps survives (if I'm not mistaken).

French Army just outside Paris destroyed.Axis now in the suburbs (finally).

Fighting in the waters near Denmark ceased,both sides retreat.

[ August 30, 2003, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

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de gaulle (de facto leader of france) reports from a large office serving as the french government in paris, through a translator.

we as frenchmen owe our very existence to courageous corps like....(paper shuffles) the 1st canadians. first we thought them destroyed. then we found them to be out of supply and near berlin....and now we find they have been annihilated. almost to the last man, while attempting to encircle berlin. such brave men! (pause).

and my former command, the french 2nd mech. corp....at any time they could have quit. given in. but when the british navy needed one last call to duty from them....(sniffing)....THEY CAME THROUGH! they turned north to get recce info on nazi shipping, and they succeeded! but at the price of our young boys lives.

with this info, the resolution advances toward copenhagen, and sinks the "screening" wolf packs. nelson advances to block access to the oslo ports from german waters, and the scharnhorst is attacked in her home port! (cheers in background)

(echo, and mike noises) this is the true meaning of the word ALLIED.(applause and cheers)

reports of our friends the norwegians attacking the 14th nazi army north of oslo are coming in. we wish our brothers in arms the best in everything!

....sadly parisians. there may come a time soon. perhaps before fall is upon us...when paris itself may be attacked....(indecipherable shouts in background).....

we will do our best. france deserves nothing less than this...but if we fall on the outskirts of this great city...pick up our weapons and fight on! VIVE LE FRANCE!

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Late july 1940,

After the total annihilation of Allied forces in Germany,the war continues in the west.More German armies are being brought in position for the final attack on Paris.A French corps in the Parisian suburbs was easily destroyed.Another one near the channel was brought down to strenght one.

Also just south of Paris an RAF bomber squadron was taken out of action by German special forces

A British force that was trying to land near Brussels was also heavily damaged/destroyed at sea.

In the Baltic an English battleship was destroyed by joint efforts of the luftwaffe and the German navy.

On the Italian front,the French corps that was advancing towards Rome was brought down to five strenght.An Italian Army opens the attack on Marseille with little succes.

Already elements of the German 'fifth colonne' wave our victorious flag above Paris


[ August 31, 2003, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

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aug 11 1940

in the baltic, the nelson advances and wreaks havoc upon gniesenau, who settles to the bottom with all guns blazing. revenge for the RODNEY.

at paris, two holes are open on the eastern hexe side of fortress paris. currently filled by 6 and 7 str nazi armies.

french corp doing recce on rome, returns toward marseilles, with at least 1 new italian corp forced into action to defend territory.

all in all, a very good past turn for kurt 88! making things happen, and taking advantage.

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Thanks for the good word Disorder. smile.gif

Summer is drawing to an end,time is precious.

German troops move further into France destroying two more corps south of Paris.Another one is damaged north of the proud capital.

The Italians almost destroy a retreating French corps.Still no kill for the Mussolini guys.

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Late August 1940,

German forces are almost done encircling Paris.

The last struggles of the French Army are being put down.


German forward scouts clearing the land behind Paris,looking for the last pockets of resistance

Only the heavily entrenched Australian army stands to protect the city of lights.

Meanwhile in Norway the isolated German Army was hit by a brave attack of the Oslo corps,reducing it to 6.German Panzer still occupying the mine north of Oslo and digging in for what is maybe going to be a harsh winter if rescue doesn't come soon.


In Italy the last remnants of an invading French corps are destroyed.

Hitler gets permission from his doctor to leave his HQ and visit with Mussolini to talk about future operations.


the Fuhrer looking much better already !

Paris will fall soon now.Still Axis our heavily behind schedule thanks to disorder's creative defence of France.He continually harassed me at places I wasn't expecting it.

Axis must now keep Russian WE as slow as possible.It's going to be a tough war for Germany and it's allies.

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After several months of fierce fighting on the battlefields of France,finally the proud capital has fallen into German hands.The Australian army,heavily entrenched in the city,was no match for the combined arms of the wehrmacht.

Hitler arrives a few hours after the French sign their capitulation.The Fuhrer seems to be fully recovered from his illness and even smiles alot and speaks praising words to his generals.


French citizens on the other hand...


Meanwhile British reinforcements are spotted in Norway.The German isolated troops prepare for a tenacious defence.

[ September 07, 2003, 07:57 AM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

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