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Axis AI


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I dont know about anyone else on the forum, but the Axis tries its best to take over France, but pretty much stops there. It goes after yugo, but not greece. It makes no moves in the med, and it NEVER invades the UK. I once emptied the UK of troops after France fell, and only air raids, which surely would have revealed weakness on my part, were made by the Germans. It also seems to neglect N Africa entirely. I was wondering if anyone else had these problems, and if they will be fixed in the release version.

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I've noticed this also. The low-level AI seems adequate in performing various movements and combats during a turn. One thing that always amazes me is the German tank unit that attacks the French army and gets surprised every time! Production seems OK, but I don't know what it's doing with research. Overall the AI performs pretty well.

The high-level AI which makes strategic decisions like DOWs and whether to fight Britain or Russia following France doesn't seem as aggressive. In the demo, the axis AI knows darn well to go after France and does pretty well. But I haven't seen Italy get aggressive in the Balkans or Germany attempt a Sealion or early Barbarossa. I can almost understand Germany being conservative while it builds up for a summer 41 invasion of Russia, but Italy should be doing more.

I'm anxious to watch both the axis and allied AI during full campaign games. The playtesters seem to think it's OK, so we'll find out shortly. Soon, very soon?

Regardless of how well the AI performs now, Hubert has an interesting fuzzy logic AI developed which should improve with age based on player feedback, tweaks, and other enhancements. I fully expect this AI to be a very tough opponent eventually, with or without the MPP and experience bonuses.

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