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Jersey Challenges Kurt88 to AAR Game!


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I think it was the stiped orange ones that did it, I also think the doctor said I only should only takt them if I were having a seizure -- probably I should write things like that down. :rolleyes:


A hard choice? It's the forces of Good vs the Forces of Evil -- no, okay, maybe that doesn't help me -- hmmmm -- it's beer vs cognac, yes. Something like that, and cognac is more nutricious, also it's more American in a Frenchie sort of way. :confused:

Kurt's a fine guy, but I have this gut feeling that if he wins the world will come to an end. ;)

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Well there's already been a Potato War -- almost no one was killed, both armies were starving!-- and a Bone War -- battling American museum patrons destroying each other's digs!

And now, at last, we have a war over something that makes sense.

Grapes vs Hops, Brandy vs Beer!

"Victory goes to he with the lesser hangover."

-- U.S. Grant, 1862

"Tell me I didn't lose to that drunken bum."

-- R. E. Lee, 1865 :D

Good choice Wehrmacht -- I'll probably lose the game but at least I know where I'll be -- drunk. :eek: :D

[ April 10, 2004, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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My dear sir, your challenge is accepted !

I must apologize for my tardy reply but unlike other I must attain my work on a saturday and am not able to make fun of my opponent all day. Fear not since I do not hold this against you.

I trust you will supply me with the date and place and eventual rules for this duel.

Sincerly yours,


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And to you sir!

You know how I am with dates and now I'm running out of orange striped pills and awfully low on cognac, so who knows how long it will be before I start clucking!

Sorry you've got to work, it's much more fun making fun of you opponent all day.

Speaking of work and this being Saturday, Marion being a social butterfly, I've got company even now knocking on the door and making a mad dash for my liquor -- you want to talk about work? You want to talk about a battle? Got to get there fast and pour some cheap swill in their tumblers before they wipe out my good stuff.

Off to war!

I leave the details to you sir, or at least the preliminaries. My second shall see to these mundane matters, as soon as I locate him.

Meanwhile it's off to herd that boring bunch of drunken gluttons -- I mean, uh, our guests!

Ever Yours even across lines of battle and a lot of archaic hypocrite stuff like that ...


Marshall of France, Admiral of the Turkish Fleet, General in search of the Italian Army, etc & etc ...

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