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Some Questions From A Newbie


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Hi all

I am a newbie at this game, and am trying to get my head around it.

I am in need of some advice if anyone feels inclined to help me out.

1. Playing as the Germans, how can I move subs into the Atlantic (and other seas) without them being popped as soon as they leave their home base ? Surely subs can move undetected under water, at least in the early part of the war. Do I need to play with Fog of War turned on ?

2. How can I carry out recons on enemy airbases as one would do in real life, if FOW is turned on ? Historically the Polish and French airforces were virtually destroyed on the ground at day 1.

3. What are the recommended settings for “newbies” at the start of the game ?

4. Any other advice that can be offered.

5. What other games of the same genre are recommended by the community ? I have no interest in the “joystick” type of game, I much more inclined to the game engine as experienced in SC.

I realise most of these questions have probably been asked a million times, and I do apologise for re-inventing the wheel.

Thanks in advance.

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1st i suggest to always play with Fog of War on, i believe it makes things a little more unexpectable, esp. if you have little in-game experience.

I find that to fight a sub war in the atlantic (or better, to complement the italian fleet with some german subs) your best chances are to build subs on the french west coast, better not in brest, and to send out subs in packs, 3 or more units at once, thus increasing durability and fighting punch. Giblatar would be another good place for starting subs, if you have gone through Spain.

Recons are best handled by air or corps units. Since a corps has only 2 spotting range, it's often difficult to use it to spot air units, but sometimes you don't have a spare airfleet to send near the front to scout. If the enemy places his airfleet many (5 or more) hexes away from the frontlines, you couldn't spot them right away, but you can discover their positions forcing them to intercept a ground bombing run. Remember that long range tech increases spotting range for planes, and that bombers have a slightly better spotting range than airfleets.

You have a chance to attack polish airfleet on the ground on turn one, but there's no way to do so with french air (Are you sure it has been destroyed on the ground? I believe it was fought in the skies by the luftwaffe), but some players tend to disband their french airfleet to buy armies or an hq, so it doesn't really matters..

I suggest to turn every option 'on', leaving only War in Siberia off; experience settings (+1 and +2) are often the only way to have a fun experience against AI (i found easier to win as allies against axis +2 than as axis against allies +2, but that's just because of the bad response of AI against allied invasions during its late-barbarossa); +50% and +100% settings only affect plunder, free french chances and siberian transfer, so aren't really big changes, as +1 or +2 are.

As for other wargames.. i enjoyed panzer general 2 and 3 (while i found allied general and panzer general 1 too dry), and sure you can find many golden oldies around like the V for victory series at www.the-underdogs.org

I hope I have been helpful!

[ October 01, 2003, 10:16 PM: Message edited by: Piumarcobaleno ]

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Welcome to the SC Forum.

The best way to learn the game is by playing against people, you will slowly but surely pick up how the game is played and you will pick up new tactics with each game.

To answer your questions:

1) Its standard to have FOW (Fog of War) turned on, otherwise you opponent knows where all your units are (including subs) and can predict were your going to attack. Subs are pretty much useless with FOW turned off.

2) You cannot launch recon missions; your airfleets will automatically spot all enemy units that are within its range. Note: Bombers have a longer range then fighters.

3) I would you suggest you use the standard settings for human vs human play.

Standard Campaign: Fall Weiss 1939

Standard Settings:

All countries set to RANDOM.

All rules/variations ON except for "War in Siberia".

Turn OFF the "undo" option under preferences.

4) Like I said, play games against other people. That’s really the only way you get better at this game.

5) All depends on what you like, the closest game to SC I've see is the game "Hearts of Iron". HOI is nowhere near as good as SC and I would not recomend buying it.

I highly suggest looking at the "FAQ/Strategy & Tips/Suggestions: NEW PLAYERS PLEASE READ" sticky thread at the top of the SC forum, this will answer a lot of the questions you may have and will give some basic tactics to use. Hope this helps.

Good Luck,

Comrade Trapp

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You may be able to run your subs down the French coast if you have at least 5 air fleets concentrated along the French Coast. This allows you to sink any UK ship that moves in to attack your sub and usually scares off any defending Allied Air fleets.

You can take Gibraltor so the Italian fleet can enter the Atlantic. If you want to do this and avoid attacking Spain then take Vichy Algeria and bomb the port with air fleets and ships. When it reachs zero your Italian fleet can sail through the straits, and you didn't have to attack Spain.

[ October 01, 2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I realise most of these questions have probably been asked a million times, and I do apologise for re-inventing the wheel.

No need to apologize here. Welcome to the game! Check out the Strategy Guide (download here). Dan Fenton and I put that together primarily to help new players like yourself get up and running. It's one-stop shopping for strategy, tips and tricks based on the latest and current v1.07.
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Thanks all for your responses, they were very helpful and instructive. Yes Bill, I have already printed that guide out, and am about half way through reading it. It is excellent.

I have a question on Tech development.

It is random I know, at least to the extent that once you put you money in, you may or may not get a reward. However, my question is, playing either side I guess, is it better to pump money in early, and sacrifice military build up, or build the military first then pump into the tech.

To date, I have played as the Axis, and find I end up getting killed by jet aircraft, way ahead of schedule (1942), and cannot match the development. This is odd of course, because as I recall, the Allies did have a jet aircraft as early as 1937, but didn't develop any military units until after the war, whereas the Germans fought combat missions with the ME262 in 1943/4.

Again, any advice would be well received.

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It is random I know, at least to the extent that once you put you money in, you may or may not get a reward. However, my question is, playing either side I guess, is it better to pump money in early, and sacrifice military build up, or build the military first then pump into the tech.

That completely depends on what you plan to do and the situation at hand.

Personally, my first priority is to build the units that are absolutely necessary for defense. For example, as Allies, it is absolutely necessary to be somewhat prepared to deal with Operation Sealion (Axis invasion of Great Britain) after the Fall of France. The invasion may never happen, but if it does and you are caught off guard, you will be in a world of ****.

To date, I have played as the Axis, and find I end up getting killed by jet aircraft, way ahead of schedule (1942), and cannot match the development. This is odd of course, because as I recall, the Allies did have a jet aircraft as early as 1937, but didn't develop any military units until after the war, whereas the Germans fought combat missions with the ME262 in 1943/4
Your talking about what happened during WWII in real life, like the Allies not having jet military aircraft until after the war.

In SC, the situation could be completely different from what it was in real life. I have seen Allies get Jets +1 in the first turn through pure luck.

Jet Tech is by far the most important tech in SC, Jet Tech is the first thing you should invest in and you should do it as early as possible. Have at least 1 chit put towards Jet Tech immediately after the Fall of France or you will regret it. As Allies, if you have the mpps to spare, its good to have 1 chit put towards Jet Tech before the Fall of France, giving you kind of a head start.

Hope this helps.

Comrade Trapp

[ October 02, 2003, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Hello everyone. Just wanted to say thank you for all of the great advice and topics. Need a little more practice vs the AI, then maybe I can try a PBEM game vs one of the other newbs.

Feel free to join Curry's PBEM league,alot of new players signed up here so you'll easily find someone who's just getting into the game as well.

Look here

Welcome to the community smile.gif

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