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Balance to production capacity


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I am relatively new to playing this game but I would like others opinions on the fairness and accuracy on crediting MPP's. Upon conquering a nation, minor or not, the ENTIRE value of that nations industrial production is credited toward the conquering nation - along with the siezed "bonus".

What bothers be about this is - is it realistic to think that a nation who just conquered another, say Germany immediately after the conquest of Poland or France - receiving the full benefit of that entire nations industrial capacity? Shouldnt there be a turn or two before that happens? Or shouldnt there be some kind of build up period where over time the value of each resource returns to its pre-conquered value?

For example, upon capturing a city it can serve as a supply source but not contribute fully to the MPP's until x number of turns. 25% the first, 50% the second, etc... Does this seem fair or even possible to include?

Also one other thought concerning MPP's. When Germany declares war upon a minor nation, immediately that nations FULL industrial output is credited toward Britian. Does that seem reasonably? What usually happens to be is I attack several nations at once (Norway, Denmark, the Low Countries) and for however many turns it takes to complete the conquest Britian is bettered by those MPP's. She does not have to spend them on those minor countries units, she can horde them to build new ones in Britian. Not quite reasonable to me. Also would that production capacity even GET to Britian. Say Yugoslavia, or Poland, how are those supplies, goods, materials, fuels, etc.. somehow just transported across enemy territory to the UK?

Perhaps there can be some limit - that the production from an individual minor nation, unconnected by land or sea route to Britian, can only spend those MPP'S on units in that nation. This is less problematic on German minor nations because they border germany and the capacity of those nations was in real life added to the greater german industrial capacity.

Ideas, comments? One request - regardless of opinions can we try to keep this thread civil?

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Well, actually the conqueror only gets 80% (in general). But I see your point.

As for the neutrals, they may be a drain instead of a benefit - it all depends on how much the Brits are spending on their forces. The moral (from the aggressor's perspective) - finish them off quickly.

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Yes, try not to declare war on those minors until you are sure that you can overrun them in 1 or 2 turns if possible. Also you may note that once you conquer Great Britian there is no way for the Allies to continue to support (send replacements to) a minor country. I believe that those resource points to are just lost to the allies since GB can no longer aquire the points.

In a past link I suggested (perhaps others too) that it would be a good option to select which axis/allied country supplies it. Then make it only a %effective depending on geographics and enemy influence. Say Germany declares war on Romainia, there is an option on who supports Romania for the Allied turn. Russia is right next to Romania so they may be 80%effective. The US is far away and could supply Romania but only at 50% effectiveness. The existing resource points themselves I think would be good to stay in the country. These points could be used to build units at no added effeciecy cost. This would allow minor nations their own MPP source. So Romania gets perhaps 30 MPP's turn-this could be used to replace units and even buy new ones. Russia could lend them MPP's (here is where we can put the effeciancy rule into effect) Russia lends 100MPP, it shows up after a turn into the Romania bank as plus 80MPP, some is lost in the transfer due to red tape, convoy issues, losses in transit etc. This amount that Romania banks then would be the only amount available to plunder by Germany. (sometimes it is crazy that you get more plunder from a place like Portugal that you do from Romania) Then anything Romain builds could be at one of their cities. Allied countries should not be allowed to place there own newly created units directly into minor countries (nor even operate).

On a (another) side note, it would be good if minor (even major) collected money each turn once the game starts. Limited to 1/2 normal war time level. Thus the US would get 90 per turn until they enter. Russia may need to be toned down some as them getting like 240MPP per turn would start them out with a bunch by the time Barbarossa gets started. This may be evened out by reducing some tech levels or implementing limited research investment to be going on prior to war declarations. This would make it more tempting perhaps for the axis to declare war on Russia instead of waiting.

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