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3rd wave-Terif vs. Dalmatian


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Barbarossa started:

-AF looking and waving to each other across the sea ;)

-as expected all border russian units destroyed or cut off, hopefully tanks stayed untouched

-dont know exactly what to do-I think wise thing is to defend one front and attack on another but here I m passive on both fronts...since allies still have better AF I think I ll finally attack

Dont think that atacking Portugal and Iraq is mistake-from my point of view:

-axis gets 2 worthless corps, some MPP one turn longer

-axis dont get experience for attacking basicly worthless and defensless opponent which doesnt inflict any damage, also axis doesnt get plunder

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December 14, 1941:

Odessa and Kiev conquered. A lot of russian corps. They already got anti-tank level 1 in their second turn (Germany has AT lv 2). Since Germany has not much air in the east, but a dozen armies and some tanks, they can at least damage some of them and kill 1-3 corps each turn.

In the west it was cold war...now it is getting a bit hotter..

Allies moved their air to Scapa Flow, transport outside Bergen. Invasion in Norway expected.

Germany uses its LR and kills together with italian battleships a free french cruiser and a corps transport in the middle of the Atlantic. Italian navy shows GLR lv 2 during the short battle smile.gif .

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February 8, 1942:

Russia defends the Riga-Minsk-Kharkov-Sevastopol line. Only 2 corps killed this turn.

Russian scientists were really busy and developed anti-tank lv 2 in their 3rd turn. German tanks are useless in the attack now and are replaced by armies.


Like expected Allies attack Bergen with air and carrier, corps landed near the city. Bergen survives at str 2. Axis reinforcements arrive around Oslo and Bergen.

Subs raiding in the Atlantic

Finally Germany catches up and reaches lv 1 jets smile.gif .

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March 22, 1942:

Russian scientists research one level anti-tank each turn. Now they have AT lv 3. Again 2 corps destroyed. Not much advances in the east.


The battle of England has begun...

The largest airbattle in history started with 10 german airfleets on one side and 8 allied air + 3 carriers on the other side, everyone at jets lv 1.

Irland liberated by italian forces (attacked by US air in the previous turn). Transports at the southern coast of England. UK transport near Manchester sunk, cruiser heavily damaged by several airstrikes. No airfleets lost so far since both sides can´t strike directly at the enemy air.

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April 19, 1942:

Small airbattles in Russia, one russian AF destroyed. Last turn a german army got lost. Only one russian corps killed this turn. Trench warfare.


Reinforcing and repositioning for the coming battles. Irland surrendered again to UK. More axis transports around London, italian navy starts bombarding the defenders south of London.


No real attacks, Bergen is safe. 3 axis corps attack the landed UK corps - should be killed by next turn.

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May 17, 1942:

Nothing new in the east...trench warfare.


German air strikes with full power and destroys a UK corps and 2 US airfleets that moves too far in the south. Italian corps, several armies and HQ prepare for invasion...

Norway cleared from invaders.

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June 14, 1942:

A russian transport lands in Odessa and liberates it for a turn before it gets killed immediately.

Small advance in Russia: Riga conquered.


UK corps killed in southern England. US tank and several UK/free french armies spotted in northern England. Subs raiding ~20 mpps each turn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

June 28, 1942:

German army on the river near Kharkov heavily damaged and has to retreat for repairs. 2 russian corps destroyed north of Riga. Trench warfare.


An italian task force lands (2 armies, 3 corps, 1 HQ) and conquers London after heavy fightings with the full entrenched free french army (supported by german air from France).

Near Bergen US transports appear, German corps moves into Bergen and prepares for defence, some italian corps protect the flanks.

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July 12, 1942:

Small naval battle near Leningrad. Since the german fleet is missing air support, it has to retreat after heavy losses against the russian air and navy. 1 russian corps destroyed at Kiev, no advance since russian armies are waiting there ;) .


Allies invade Norway, italian corps destroyed, US army under attack and encircled by 3 other axis corps.

Axis invades England. Italian armies approach Manchester. German HQ lands in London, several german AFs move to England. Since Russia has AT lv 3, most german tanks moved west and are now landing in England too.

2 UK HQs spotted in the north, commanding several UK armies. Another free french army entrenched in Manchester. 2 US tanks and a lot of AFs in Scotland.

Huge naval battle outside Edinbourg and Norway. 4 italian battleships and cruisers with GLR 2 - supported by german air from France/LC - attack, sinking a UK cruiser, damaging some other ships + transports heavily.

US transport outside spanish Marocco. Some axis corps are defending.

German scientists research jets lv 2 at the end of the turn.

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July 26, 1942:

Russia starts a small counteroffensive in southern Russia towards Odessa. Rumanian and german armies patch the gap, kill a russian corps and stop the offensive. Russian AF destroyed near Leningrad. Finland joins Axis. On the ground both sides are looking and shooting occasionally at each other over the trenches like in WW1 smile.gif .


German corps lost in Norway, reinforcements arrive in Oslo.

The last and decisive battle for britain has begun...USA lands with full power and has now 2 HQs and a lot of armies and tanks around Manchester and Edinbourgh. Italian corps destroyed, HQ heavily damaged. Axis ground forces reinforcing, 3 german HQs in England, new german tanks arrive in London...

The heavy naval battle continues: Italian battleship destroyed. 2 UK battleships destroyed in return. German cruiser appears on the battlefield, several subs are raiding near Manchester.

Now the german air in England can score direct hits on the allied air in Scottland. In the huge airbattles UK looses 2 AFs and USA another 2 AFs

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August 9, 1942:

Another russian air destroyed near Leningrad in the airbattles. Russian tank killed and a russian cruiser sunk by a german cruiser.


Allied invasion in Norway stopped, allied units obviously needed somewhere else... smile.gif . Slowly killing the landed forces...

In Britain an italian army gets killed, a corps cut off. US army destroyed in return.

In the naval battle an italian cruiser got lost. But all 3 UK carriers sunk this turn and a UK battleship. UK AF destroyed in the airbattles.

US corps land in Spain - no chance to surive since enough guarding units are ready to kill it.

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August 23, 1942:

Russia starts an all out offensive, attacking at all fronts. German front near Kiev holds barely. Russian army killed near Minsk.


Norway cleared from invaders again, same in Spain.

US tanks attack, killing a german tank. A free french army attack the german air standing behind reducing it by 5 str points. 4 US AFs sent into battle. Germany has not much operational AFs left to respond. Most german research chits sold to reinforce the air. US tank and the free french army killed in the counter, another tank survives at str 1 - german air too weak and cant attack since it would be killed by the intercepting US air.

Naval battle:

German cruiser and italian battleship killed by the allied navy, including a US sub. US battleship killed in return by the last italian one. UK crusier sunk near Manchester by german subs.

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September 6, 1942:

Russian tank destroyed near Leningrad, heavy battles at the whole front from Leningrad via Minsk - Kharkov up to Sevastopol.


Italian corps lost. No allied ground units killed, but 2 US AFs.

The italian navy is no more, last italian battleship lost. The last US battleship and the US sub sunk too near London.

After the huge battles only one german cruiser and 3 UK battleships still alive at both sides smile.gif .

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October 4, 1942:

The russian attacks weaken their defences, so Germany can conquer Minsk in return. Russian tank and a corps destroyed. Last russian cruiser bites the dust near Odessa.


All 3 UK ships destroyed. Western Allies have no ships any more. German cruiser the last combat surface ship on earth now :D .

UK army destroyed in the heavy ground battles - slowly axis forces gain the upper hand in England and can go into the offensive now instead of defending and reinforcing smile.gif .

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November 1, 1942:

Allies start a last desperate attack in the east. Several russian transports land in Romania and near Odessa. A lot of gaps open in Russia...German forces advance: central mine conquered, 2 encircled pockets built near Riga and Minsk (7 russian units cut off). All landed units behind the german lines killed. Russian tank, AF and 2 armies in middle Russia destroyed.


Italian corps destroyed near Manchester.

Axis forces land in Scotland and take Scapa Flow. US air operated back to USA. Breakthrough along the whole line in middle England: UK army, 1 HQ and a US army killed, Edinbourgh conquered. Most of the allied defenders wiped out (only 3 allied HQs, some corps, an army + tank alive)...


Total war losses:

Axis 10 land units, 0 airfleets , 7 ships.

Allies 86 land units, 15 airfleets and 19 naval units.

[ September 13, 2004, 06:26 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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