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AAR Comrade vs Jersey FW 1939 altered


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Comrade Trapp came up with a slightly altered variant of 1939 Fall Weiss we're using for a social game. UK gets 2 U.S. cities LL, France 2 Soviet cities LL and German 1 Soviet city.

JJ -- Axis

Comrade -- Allies.


It began as a friendly project between Germany and the Soviet Union. The dismantling of Poland, which seemed a fine and logical first step in bringing the two Great Nations, literally, closer together.

As for Poland, it wasn't as though it hadn't been partitioned out of existence before or anything like that!

[ August 17, 2004, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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3 Sept 1939

German Air Strikes and ground attacks destroy the Northern Polish Army and capture Warsaw in a pincers attack by Army Groups A & B, commanded by Colonel Generals Feodr von Boch and Gert von Rundstedt.

Other Polish formations remain intact despite heavy attacks and the country does not surrender.

England, France and Canada choosing to meddle in the affairs of Eastern Europe, declare war on Germany despite solid evidence that the war was provoked by Poland!


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The cities were altered to make the MPP incomes more realistic, they automatically go back to the control of the original countries upon U.S./USSR entry.

Changes Made:

* 2 US cities and 2 US ports are under British control to incorporate the historical "Lend-Lease" agreement between the US and Great Britain.

* 1 Soviet city and 1 Soviet port are under German control to incorporate resources received by Germany as part of their non-aggression pact with the USSR.

* 2 Soviet cities under French control to make France's MPP income more realistic.

Note: No troops from either side are allowed to enter these cities and ports until they have been returned to the control of their original owners (i.e. US / USSR enter the war, thus regaining control).

Neither side received a bid.

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Germany invades Poland!

At 9:00 AM, Great Britain and France respond by issuing Germany an ultimatum.

Germany does not reply.....

Shortly after 11:00 on September 3rd, 1939, Great Britain, followed by France, declares war on Germany.


Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain addressing the nation.

Click here to listen to Chamberlain's speech.

September 17th, 1939

Polish forces, though demoralized by the fall of Warsaw, fallback towards the Polish-Soviet border wherever possible to continue the fight against the fascist invaders, while cutoff units dig in and prepare for the final assault.


In the West, Britain and France mobilize their militaries. Reservists are called up and units are put on alert for deployment.

Meanwhile, the French and Royal Navies begin "search and destroy" operations in the North Atlantic as German U-boats attack British merchant shipping.

The Allies will be prepared.

[ August 15, 2004, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Yes, and you said you like the History Channel so we're doing it for you, Brother Rambo! :D

Oct I 1939 1939_partition_of_poland_m.jpg

The last major Polish formations are destroyed but for one decimated corps that fled east. The nation of Poland ceases to exist and it's territory has been admitted into the Reich and USSR as new provinces.

[ August 16, 2004, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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October 15th, 1939

Despite heroic fighting by Polish troops, Poland surrenders.


German victory parade in Warsaw.

Unsurprisingly, Waffen SS units quickly begin executing Polish prisoners of war and civilians alike.


A German dog executes an unarmed Polish civilian.

In the west, all is quite. British and French warships continue to search for German U-boats, no contact as of yet.

[ August 16, 2004, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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II Oct 1939

While the Reich's Ministry of Cultural Affairs begins it's work of Germanifying the new Polish Graus, Diplomat von Neurath is sent to Denmark with a request that she ally herself with her German cousins.

In the North Atlantic, the squadrons of the Royal Navy have located the German U-boats and two groups, led by U29 & U30, have attacked and sunk the Battleship H.M.S. Nelson* with losses to their own submariners.

szent-istvan.jpg*BB in photo has a different turret configuration from Nelson and Rodney, sister ships, which had three triple 16" turrents fore and no main guns aft.

[ August 16, 2004, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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November 12th, 1939

British and French warships quickly avenge the sinking of the RN battleship HMS Nelson.


Aircraft from HMS Glorious sink U-30.

The French cruiser Strasbourg spots (surprise contact) German U-boats U-29 and U-30. The RN carrier HMS Glorious moves into range and sinks U-30.

RN BBs Royal Oak and Rodney (assisted by the RN carrier Courageous) engage and sink U-29.

Meanwhile, German forces are spotted deploying along the LC-German border, intel suggests they may attack next turn.

The Canadian 1st Army arrives in Paris and begins to dig in.


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Nov 1939

"We have sent the senile English Chamberlain reasonable terms and also that snivelling French Dog Duvalier and how do they respond? I'll tell you how, by sinking our U-boats!" [indignant uprroar] "And still we are determined to bring peace to Europe, which have begun to do by invading Luxembourg, Holland and Belgium!" [fades to thunderous applause.]


Germany invades the Low Countris and they fall after determined, but short lived resistance.

In the North Atlantic, the German scientific expedition Atlantas has been sunk by British and French surface forces with the loss of priceless archological finds that would have verified the existence of the lost Aryan Civilization of the same name.

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December 10th, 1939

Germany invades the Low Countries!

Brussels falls after combined ground-air attacks ravage the city, killing thousands of innocent civilians.

Minor ground attacks are made on the French 5th Army in France, they are repelled with acceptable losses.

RAF and FAF fighters launch intercept missions over the Low Countries, downing countless enemy aircraft, taking minor losses in the process.


RAF Spitfires engaging enemy aircraft over the Low Countries (painting by Robert Taylor).

Meanwhile, British General Bernard Montgomery assumes command of all British forces in England, while French General Maxime Weygand assumes command of all French forces in Northern France.

The Allies stand ready to fight their godless invader.


[ August 16, 2004, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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7 January 1940


The Fuhrer and his generals planning the Great Winter Offensive. The action opened with the XXII corps striking a diversionary action along the Channel Coast against the French 1st Army, with no appreciable loss to either side.

Further inland the French 2nd Army was savagely mauled by the German 10the Army, XIXth Panzer Corps and the full might of the Luftwaffe. The Frenchmen endured 90% casualties but the remaining 10% held their part of the line.

In the Ardennes. the French 5th Army at full stregnth was attacked by the German 4th Army at 90% muster, and reduced to 70% with no appreciable German losses.

Though discouraged by the initial failure to advance, morale within the German forces is extremely high with anticipation of an impending Allied disasster in Flanders.

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February 4th, 1940

I FAF airfleet is disbanded, it did it's job quite well, but it's manpower is now needed elsewhere.

All frontline units are reinforced and General Weygand moves to a position just south of the French 2nd Army.

Air reconnaissance indicates that Germany has purchased at least 2 new units. A new airfleet and a new corps are all that can be seen at this time.

Current War Readiness:

Italy: 75%

United States: 6%

Soviet Union: 34%

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17 March 1940


As the weather clears the same attacks are repeated. The French line, filled with raw recruits to face the German veterans, stripped of air cover while German air power was incresed, breaks this time and Germany achieves the anticipated breakthrough toward Paris. German tank crews say, if it weren't for the mud, they'd have been rolling into the outskirts of the city.

In fierce fighting along the Belgian border, the French Second Army has been destroyed and the First Army cut off on the Channel Coast and reduced to 30%.

The XXIst Panzer Group spearheads the breahthrough and drives to within 100 miles of Paris. Having become meaningless, it is anticpated the Ardennes defenses and Maginot Line will be abandoned to form a defensive perimeter around Paris.

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March 17th, 1940

The French Army, forced by the destruction of 2nd Army, withdraws from it's border positions and creates a new defensive line 1 hex away from Paris.


A partially cutoff 1st Army breaks out and forms the extreme northern end of the new French frontline. Due to the condition of 1st Army, it is expected that the next German attack will be on our northern flank. Unfortunately, there are no extra troops available to prevent another breakthrough.


All we can do is dig in and wait.

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I April 1940


Though badly in need of reinforcement the German armies continue invading France knowing the enemy is equally in need of rest and regrouping.

Frensh German troops are brought south along the Channel Coast to destroy the hard fighting French First Army. Other German columns exploit the new gap by moving northwest of Paris and attacking the French 4th Corps.

Crossing the Maginot Line and seizing the French mining Alscaise-Lorraine region, a pair of German corps attack the French 5th Army and, with the aid of the Luftwaffe it is also destroyed.

The French First Corps has been bypassed and is yet manning the Maginot Line's southern extremety.

The High Command has established that only the French Third Army and the Canadian Army, defending Paris, remain at full stregnth and capable of effectively carrying out offensive actions.

[ August 16, 2004, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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April 14th, 1940

Despite heavy losses, the French 3rd and 4th armies (assisted by RAF air support) immediately launch a stunning counter-attack against the German XVI Panzer Tank Group and destroy it in combat.


A knocked out German Panzer.

South-east of that, the French I Corps also launches a counter-attack against the XIX Panzer Tank Group, causing both sides to take losses.

Due to the absence of a stable frontline, General Weygand's HQ was no longer an effective asset and had to be disbanded.

V Corps was created south-east of Paris.


[ August 17, 2004, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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II April 1940

The Wehrmacht has drawn a ring around the French Capital and, in the process, has destroyed the French 3th and 4th Armies along with it's 4th and 5th Corps in hard fighting around Paris.

The High Command now considers the only remaining elements of the French Army to be the 1st and 6th Corps with the 1st Canadian Army defending the capital.

After fighting long and hard, French Infantry are led to POW camps in Germany.


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May 12th, 1940

Paris is surrounded. The Canadian 1st Army, along with the French V corps to the south-east of Paris, dig in and await the final onslaught. They vow to fight to the death.

To the east, the French I corps makes one last drive through the rear and attacks (via surprise contact) a Luftwaffe airfleet, reducing the airfleet by 1.

Meanwhile, the French government orders the evacuation of French troops (including colonial units) wherever possible. French warships are also ordered to set sail for British ports.

Italy is expected to enter the war in the very near future.


Viva La France!

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II May 1940

The French Army is completely destroyed. Paris is defended by the Canadian First Army and completely surrounded by German units, all of which are understregnth. AG commanders Bock and Rundtstedt have moved into the siege line to help prepare their forces for the final assualt.

A German corps captures Bordeaux.

Italy seems unlikely to enter the war before the Paris is taken.

The Defensive perimeter on the outskirts of Paris is an odd mixture of Candian and French troops.


[ August 17, 2004, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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June 9th, 1940

Paris is under siege conditions, despite this, the Canadian 1st Army launches an attack on General Rundstedt's HQ, bringing it down to 7 strength.

To the north-east, RAF airfleets launch a full scale attack on a severely damaged Luftwaffe airfleet based in the Ardennes Forest.

Other Luftwaffe units intercept the incoming RAF fighters and aerial dogfights ensue. Miraculously, the targeted Luftwaffe airfleet survives.


RAF Spitfires engage Luftwaffe ME-109s over Northern France (painting by Robert Taylor).

Italy enters at the end of the Allied turn.

[ August 17, 2004, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Anyone who cares to read the rest of the AAR, assuming we continue, is welcome to do so at the House of Games website, I won't be posting any more of it at SC. If Comrade wants to post his remarks here that's fine, but mine will be at House of Games only.

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