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Need some tech help with SC


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My good freind Logan Hartke sent me his new campain and for some damn reason, I can't get the thing to work. It gives me this error message when it is bringing up my list of campains to choose when starting a game. The message say's The CAMPAIN directory contains unreadable or corrupt files. Some cannot be read. Then the list comes up, but no 1945 Fall Wiess. Someone help?

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Probably mixed versions of SC. One you has downloaded all the upgrades and the other hasn't; you should both be upgraded to the final version of v1.07 that Hubert's got posted in the sticky file.

Or, if it isn't either you or Logan, it might be someone else who has sent you a campaign file recently.

The best thing is remove all the files from your scenario folder and put them back into the folder individually, checking each by loading it through SC till you come to the file that is the culprit. It isn't too bad if you've only got a small number of files in there. More than that and it gets pretty tiresome.

It could also be that you accidentally deleted one of Hubert's basic campaigns.

Good Luck.

[ August 05, 2003, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Yes Logan, just opened it through the editor and everything is perfect.

I wonder if the problem could be a mix up with the first version? I don't see why that should happen, it should just replace it, but sometimes odd things occur along those lines.

Hope it works out -- it's after 2:30 a.m. here and time to turn in.

Here's wishing you guys a good one, whatever time of day or night it is in your own environs.

[ August 05, 2003, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I'm always knocking the place but it really has got a lot of good points -- especially when viewed from, say, California. Basically I don't like it's economy, but NY has similar problems so it might be that I don't like the present North East economic situation. Without the industries that were once abundent in the region it's become a two tier society, we've gone right back to the haves and have-nots with no real middle class. A lot of us (out here) believe we're middle class but in reality the bank owns everything.

Anyhow, getting away from my Bolsheivik tendancies -- sometimes files are corrupted in transmission. One thing to watch out for is if you see campaign or also pbem files that are unusually small it nearly always means they're corrupted and should be deleted. Sounds to me like you've got a few of those.

The error message might mean you've both got v1.07 but one of you has the Beta version while the other's got the Release version. I've got that situation with a couple of guys I play PBEM with; so far it hasn't meant anything.

All the years I lived in New York I always thought of New Jersey as being in two parts till I moved here and found we live in Central New Jersey , which seems a bit pretentious for such a small state. Anyway, small as it is I can't find my way around in it. Working out of the house, my car sits outside all the time and it's trunk serves as homeplate for the local kids kickball game -- they touch it when scoring.

I went out last week to clean it off and one little guy asked if anyone owns it -- I guess he wants to convert it into a play fort! I answered yes (and the bank doesn't own it so I guess it really ismine), and I was the person and the kid gave me a disappointed look. Then he started puffing up in a sort of boby builder pose. I asked if he was Hercules and another kid said, "No, he's the Hulk!" Which led to a discussion about the movie, which they enjoyed a lot more than I did, though I agreed with their premise that it was a cinematic masterpiece -- not even an old reclusive grouch, like myself, can go against kids that young. So that is what I've got when I wander away from my keyboard, an anchored auto and discussions with seven-year-olds who want to use it as some sort of playpen. I had the same discussions with their older sisters and brothers only back then the car was new and shiny.

Hell, maybe I'll live it up later and start the car and go in circles for a few hours trying to find my way home!

[ August 05, 2003, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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