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AI "objectives"


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HI !

Have recently gotten into SC 1.

Only play ai though.

My recent axis victory was scored +248.

(start 1939 scenario)

allies had 153 casualties to my 9.

Played at 0% and no exp bonus.

fog of war ON scorched earth on russia gets the siberian troops when moscow threatened -historical US start date. random USSR IT and minors.

The previous axis victory had only been a score of about 130 so clearly i have improved and need more of a challenge. (i used to get my butt kicked at -100%)

So I decide to jack up the difficulty to +100% and experience bonus to 2. After taking Poland, I take denmark and have another invasion force consisting of about half my force, in the water going to sweden. i plan to take norway after sweden. this is SOP for my "grand strategy". i normally have Poland Den Nor and Swd in my possesion and then commence hostilities with LC and on to France.

In this case however i havent even taken sweden yet and

All of a sudden the Allied AI is declaring war on the Low Countries ! i have never seen the AI play the dutch gambit before so ..

what part of the setting change caused the ai to behave differently ? how i might coax the ai into doing more things of this nature?

It would be cool to have the axis ai buy uboats and try to choke england MPP production and sink all those american armies in the atlantic like I do.

will ai ever send an invasion thru gibraltar or ,conversely, have italian navy breakout early in the war to help with sealion ?

any thoughts ?

thanks !

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ie - with difficulty +100 and exp at +2 the ai will occasionally perform dutch gambit (is there a date is this "odds based" or result of local strength assessment?) and i see the french ships immediately attacking italian positions in the med given the opportunity.

these do not occur at 0 with no exp bonus.

so, are they they result of pre programmed higher odds in the code or are they partly a result of the ai seeing it has the experience advantage and trying to make use of it ?

there are other things , like axis ai attacking ussr instead of performing sealion despite setting ussr neutral to try to help axis ai to begin with, lets see - cant say ive ever seen the german actually attack norway.. maybe at higher difficulty ? ... these appear to be scripted objectives for the ai.

if youd care to impart a few more id appreciate it.

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The axis ai never attacks ai as well as no german troops will be sent to africa. I find the computer on a higher setting will do kinda better things. The dutch gambit is happening because you attack sweden so early and not LC. I find axis ai at max will go after vichy and spain for some reason even though it would be better to wait. Same with they attack yugo yet it would come in normally.

Also I made a german advantage campaighn that is hard for me on the game. It wont go for moscow but they send a few even tried stalingrad surprised me. You should try it. So with the advantage both sides will do more.

For some reason they will attack USSR at a certain date instead of a certain percentage. They wont do sealion unless you have had it happen to you they just cant handle it.

Also ask what ever you want i will answer anything i can.

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Thanks for the input.

FWIW - ive found that by editing in some uboats way in the south atlantic, that the axis ai will move them north and , voila ! , they arrive in and operate out of france just after it becomes axis.

but then maybe the lack of uboats is to make up for the low us mpp and rather narrow atlantic ocean.


does the ai ever buy ships subs or additional research points ?

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Hi, Thanks. Ive Dl'd and played some from the 5 star general site. as for mods all ive seen is unit sprites and sounds ... ? ( i havent checked out the cold war thing yet)

Yes i have been using editor. Trying to find the right balance between extra mpp's, extra research, and extra units for the ai.

I see i can also create non historical situations with it, or country specific battles.

Undertanding what the ai will do would help.

But various experiments are proving interesting.

i kind of assumed that ai protocols had been sussed out and posted somewhere.

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5 Star site has about 29 user made campaigns and a few mods.

However, over the years I have collected almost 100 user made campaigns and all types of mods, most of which cannot be found on the web anymore.

I'm busy over the next few days, but when I get a chance I'll zip everything up and make it all available for download for everyone who wants the stuff.

So keep watching this forum for THE download event.


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That sounds very cool thanks !

Try this for STRONG AXIS AI without insanity ...

I edited the 1939 Scenario and gave the AXIS ai

2 strategic bombers at level 2 and

bumped up LRA to 1.

I also gave them 4 additional Atlantic uboats and

6 research pts for Germany and 2 or 3 for italy. Gave germany Norway and Denmark as it appears ai wont go after these even though they should eventually be axis (and do become axis in the 1940 scenario).

Played at +100% + 2 experience bonus for ai.

FoW ON - Partisans OFF - Scorched Earth OFF war in siberia ON ( no transfer)

This allows the already experienced ai beat up on minors and France and become even more experienced.

More importantly the strategic bombers with the level 2 and lra bumps allow the ai to SEE thru fog of war a lot better.

The research points are apprx what i would invest as axis by fall of france ( or so) .

I decided to allow a relatively easy conquest of france, partly because i wanted to see what the ai would do afterward. So the ai continued on thru Vichy , Spain , Gibraltar , and is now heading to Egypt. while this approach does pre empt addition of other minor ally's it appears to keep russian interest very low and the ai has done a surprising job of locking up the med. Meanwhile the ai didnt attack russia until jan 42 just after US joined. (historical) The now heavily experienced german forces are now showing level 2 planes level 2 tanks and level 1 armies. Not surprisingly the 6 tank groups the ai must have purchased have ripped apart the ussr armies.

The 2 strat bombers have remained in france and are supported by 2 air fleets. They are wrecking my ports because ...

Despite research i have got zero advances.

My level 0 planes have no chance and i have had to hide in the north. Anything i put in London gets destroyed.

After 5 turns in russia, the ussr has also got no advances and the usual strategy of buying lots of corps ( which one prays advance a level or 2) and playing a slow down war is not working. The ai forces just smashes them to bits (level 12 armies plus 3-4 exp vs wet behind the ears level 10 corps)

unless i get some major research bumps in the next coupla turns ... i appear to be doomed.

i thought i was only making subtle changes.

There is a profound difference in result.

The bad luck with research has clearly been pivotal.

way cool !

[ September 04, 2006, 10:14 AM: Message edited by: PAL ]

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